Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Self Adhesive Legal Exhibit Tabs - Stay Organized!

Convenient and Efficient

Having trouble keeping everything organized and looking professional? The answer to your problems might be self adhesive legal exhibit tabs. These little gems traditionally have been used for extensive legal exhibits, but they have a lot of applications around the office and potentially even at home.

Here are some ways in which self adhesive legal exhibit tabs can help you get organized in the legal context.

In The Courtroom

The number one use for legal exhibit tabs, of course, is within the courtroom. Exhibits often constitute i2238mportant evidence for either side in any trial, and having an organized defense or prosecution will help make any case.

The court room is no time to be fumbling around looking for a particular exhibit. Legal binders are typically made up ahead of time and well labeled in sections using full page dividers with tabs on them. Well prepared legal teams can have documents that, with dividers included for each section, become unmanageably thick. Self adhesive exhibit tabs help reduce the paper waste of the divider and save on overall thickness too. Best of all they are easily custom printed, they don't fall off, and they are less expensive. In addition, there is much less waste since dividers come in sets and it looks tacky using the bottom couple of dividers to start a new report.

Business Research or Presentations

Legal exhibit tabs don't need to be limited to only legal documents. They started with that application due to the volumes of court exhibit documents and briefs that needed indexing for easy reference.

A similar scenario in business occurs when large documents or collections of documents are assembled for working meetings or presentations. We've all been there, the documents are so extensive the organizers wheel them in with a hand truck and the table shakes when the pile is dropped on the table. Save paper and thickness by using self adhesive exhibit tabs to clearly mark important points in the documents and as the transition point between documents. Vendors have same day shipping so it is easy to get professionally labeled exhibit tabs quickly.

For trade shows or other marketing applications, using legal exhibit tabs to label and divide product information works very nicely and saves a lot of thickness and paper. This is especially true for organizing multiple product line spec sheets that are only a few pages each per product.

Get Organized Even at Home

Finally, consider the advantages of using self adhesive legal tabs at home. Do you have binders of pictures that you would like to quickly find those precious pictures from last year's vacation? Do you have piles of stock research on your desk, or piles of any type of papers that you can at least find what you are looking for later if it has a nice exhibit tab sticking out. Are you running a business out of your home and need to keep expense receipts and invoices organized, or just want to keep your own expenses organized for tax purposes? Use exhibit tabs on your binders to quickly find them when filing papers rather than throwing everything into a box.

So whether you are a legal professional presenting court exhibits with easy to find reference points, a business person getting organized to run a successful meeting, or just trying to get organized and save time and paper at home, add a new trick to your repertoire with professional looking self adhesive legal exhibit tabs.

In the court room Lindsey Malberg is a shark, and attributes some of her success to her superior organization using legal office supply and more available at Qwik Tab. Amazingly you can custom order Qwik Tabs for half the price of the traditional full sheet legal exhibit dividers and have them shipped that same day! Lindsey also loves the fact that these exhibit tabs are printed for only what you require, no need to buy full sets.

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