Thursday, April 30, 2009

Awfulizing Your Way through Life

Are you one of those people who can never do anything right, maybe you should watch this video, it could change your life by changing your thinking.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting a place for more life-changing skills .

Thinking With Abundance

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Creating Super Habits with Jack Canfield

Creating super habits are easier than you could ever imagine. Most people have something they would like to change in their lives. If you ask anyone, they are usually able to answer this question, "If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change." All the self help and personal development programs and Books available today are full of useful information that nobody seems to take advantage of. You've seen the TV commercials and listen to other people tell their stories, about how they lost weight.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Value Of Change In Your Life

A Phenomenal Global Trend

And the search goes on Loneliness, emptiness, suffering, sorrow, sickness, fear, despair, war and poverty the list goes on. These may be some of the struggles many of us face each day. No matter where you are in the world, what you do or who you are, the imperfections of life have their way of getting to you. However, the greatest battle one faces is the battle from within - it is the battle one faces alone. The yearning for hope, for an answer - for a savior has driven millions of people all over the world to search within anything that is supernatural and spiritual. Unlike anytime in history, there is such great spiritual hunger in the world. The quest for faith and hope and the search for supernatural and spiritual experiences are now a growing phenomenal global trend.

And what about the churches? Amazingly, numerous Christian churches all over the world have been experiencing revivals like never before and are continuously teeming with hundreds of thousands of believers! For many of these churches, miracles are just a part of everyday life. There are evidences of sick people being healed and even the dead being raised!

Although this may all sound unbelievable they are nonetheless true. How can we maintain this? Some of these miracles are recorded and have been medically proved by doctors and experts. Looking at it from a biblical perspective, the Bible is full of miracles from beginning to end. Jesus, the Son of God, healed the sick wherever he went and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). The Bible also tells us of what will happen in the future.

It prophesies that:

18: In the last days, God said,

I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your young men will see visions,

and your old men will dream dreams.

19: In those days I will pour out my Spirit

upon all my servants, men and women alike,

and they will prophesy.

And I will cause wonders in the heavens above

and signs on the earth below

blood and fire and clouds of smoke.

20: The sun will be turned into darkness,

and the moon will turn bloodred,

before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives.

21: And anyone who calls on the name of the Lord

will be saved.

Act. 2:18


The Bible verses above speak of the Last Days. The last days refer to the time since the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost (2000 years ago) and henceforth until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. We are now living in the Last Days and, therefore, I am convinced that we have only seen the beginning of the miracles that are yet to come! There will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which means the Holy Spirit will fill a great manifold of people and miracles will take place. The Jesus Christ is the remedy and the Savior the world needs. You too can be filled with the Holy Spirit and receive your miracle now - whatever need you have. Accept Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord, Savior and best friend and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Your search will be over and your life will never be the same again!

The greatest miracle takes place spiritually from within. The greatest miracle is when someone builds a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and receives eternal life. Jesus Christ can heal every physical, psychological, emotional, financial, social - you name it - need in your life. Receive your miracle today in the name of Jesus Christ

Rom. 8:9 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as he raised Christ from the dead, he will give life to your mortal body by this same Spirit living within you. And remember: Heb. 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Peter Hansen have first-hand experiences with the supernatural power of God and healing miracles in their meetings and thousands of lives totally changed. Peter Capili Hansen is bringing a strong miracle anointing and an atmosphere of divine healing. Many have experienced instant healing in his meetings and after as well. This ministry yearns for you to also experience the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit!

Peter strongly believes in helping build up the local churches and bridging across church denominations and ministries. Peter Hansen Ministries is open for invitations to do healing services.

More information: Peter Hansen Ministries

Copyright 2007

Programming Yourself For Success

The Spiritual Root Causes of Problems in Life

The root causes of the problems in our life. In this article, we discuss the function of the realm of spirituality regarding the difficulties in or lives. Ignorance regarding the existence and role of the spiritual dimension and understanding its duties in our difficulties would only frustrate our attempts to completely conquer these problems. We need to first know and understand the root cause of a difficulty in order to overcome it completely. By digging deeper into the root of every difficulty, after the true and complete diagnosis has been made, can the proper therapy now be given. Most of us are not aware of the factors that contribute spiritually the root cause of 80% of the difficulties in our lives for the mere reason that they are beyond the discernment of our mind, intellect, most especially our five senses.

Whether a certain difficulty has a root cause spiritually attached with its details could be truly known and perceived surely only via the medium of highly activated sixth sense. Modern scientific studies regard the cause of a particular problem to being either psychological or physical. For this reason, we go finding for the causes and possible remedy only in these 2 areas. For instance:

1.) Narcotic abuse is known as a psychological setback and can be treated accordingly with psychotherapy.

2.) Itching and irritation is known as having a physical cause and can be primarily treated with physical medicines. However, there's a third cause of our problems in life and that is spiritual.

But the causes are not as simply and readily understood as they are beyond the knowledge and comprehension of the modern science. In fact, root causes in connection with spirituality of our difficulties really affect our lives to a large extent. Actually, the WHO (World Health Organization) defines health as "a state or condition of positive health in the physical, social, mental and spiritual dimensions. Consequently, it has been found out that well being in the spiritual sense is also an element that contributes to our health. However, research spearheaded by SSRF (Spiritual Science Research Foundation) discloses the actual extent in which factors regarding to spirituality participate to our complete being.

Through this research, SSRF has discovered the breakdown, on average, among the 3 root causes being accountable for difficulties in our lives. Breakdown of the root causes of the problems in our lives. 30% Spiritual, psychological/or physical. 50% Purely spiritual. 20% Psychological and/or physical in nature. Thus, up to 80% of our difficulties have their root cause in the realm of spirituality. And how can you overcome or conquer these difficulties in your life? These kinds of difficulties could only be conquered through spiritual means like either through:

1.) Specified spiritual healing therapy carried out to overpower a particular sign or symptom brought about by some factors in the field of spirituality.

2.) Spiritual practice helps in building our entire spiritual energy to fight those problems. In this manner, difficulties and problems that have their root cause in the realm of spirituality could either be determined or we get the strength to bear them with tolerance.

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently decided to go public and share her knowledge and experience through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and join her coaching program.

My Parents Motivation Using Fear

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Steve Jobs and Three Amazing Stories

this is one of the most moving videos I've seen on you to, Steve Jobs contribution to this world is beyond that of most of us. His ability to persevere can be a wonderful example to others who wish to achieve what he has. Thanks for the wonderful speech Steve and the person who put the video on the Internet.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Get Motivated Today

Greg is currently working on a personal development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

A Life Of Spiritual Education

The Enemy and Root Beer - Stepfamily Life Can Be Better With Less Work, Not More

The best is the enemy of the good. Voltaire

My husband reminds me of this when he thinks I am trying to make something better than it needs to be. Like this article. Every time I write, I want you take away some new insight, or support. But sometimes I'm just trying to make it through and I don't have much wisdom to give you.

But maybe, it is enough just to know that you are not alone. That your struggles are shared by others. That you can make changes and find better ways. Who wants somebody who has all the answers all the time anyway????

I've seen this work in other areas of my life where I struggle "too" hard to be the best.

I learned this lesson with my stepson. Adolescence came fast in our family with 4 now between the ages of 12 and 15. My stepson loves spending time with his Dad. There is not much he needs from me. I would try to "mother" him, or buy things for him or impart my wisdom to him on matters. At 14 years old, he didn't really need or appreciate my effort, and I would secretly feel frustrated.

He reminded me one day that we didn't have any A&W Root Beer Crme Soda, and he sure would like some. So I went out and bought him a 6 pack. The next time he came, he asked for it again. After that, I started buying it for him regularly.

Whenever he comes to us after a transition from his Mom and he comes in the door, I tell him that his root beer is in the cabinet. He smiles and acts so happy. Just think: After all the time I spent trying to be a great stepmom, buying root beer is what gets me points. Who would have thought?

Last year, my husband was struggling in his relationship with my stepdaughter. He asked me for suggestions. So you know what I told him, "I know she likes mint chocolate chip ice cream". Start with that."

Sometimes you don't need "great", you just need root beer.

I hope this helps you on your journey.

Jayna Haney, Founder The Bridge Across for Stepfamilies and Single Parent Families

Would you like our FREE family success kit? Learn more about Jayna and The Bridge Across for Stepfamilies and Single Parents at

Jayna Haney works with single parents and stepfamilies to create satisfying lives and healthy families with programs, strategies and tools designed especially for them.

Jayna specializes in developing strategies to neutralize the complications in stepfamilies and single parents, so that they feel centered and enjoy life even in the midst of the ups and downs of their family situations.

Jayna is passionate about her work - having been both a single parent with two children, and now, part of a stepfamily. Speaker, writer, educator and coach, Jayna and her husband of 7 years, Mike, live in Houston and have a lot of fun with their four kids, ages 12 to 15.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Yoga Poses

If you have observed from a distance people doing yoga poses, you would think they are latter day contortionists. You could be wrong, they are wise people who have realized well in time how easily and relatively inexpensively they can keep their bodies healthy, literally fit as a fiddle.

Yoga poses are the best way to maintain the body flexible, supple and toned up without exerting any force on the body. There is a certain subtlety in this ancient eastern system of body maintenance which keeps one in tune with nature.

Modern lifestyle takes its toll in terms of physical and mental health. Hypertension and diabetes are common ailments and the beneficiaries are pharma firms. Resources that should be spent on other productive channels are wasted in shoring up a tiring body that becomes an open invitation to premature aging and a host of diseases.

Yoga has many dimensions
The word yoga means union. It meant a whole set of physical, mental and spiritual exercises developed by ancient Indian yogis as a means of realizing God and being united (yuj in Sanskrit, meaning being yoked) with Him. The yogis were performing rigorous routine of meditation in forests and mountains and being scantily clad, they devised indoor exercises now known as yoga poses or yogasanas to keep their body healthy and light and make it a willing instrument of their meditation.

Over the years, yoga poses (postures) got separated from the rest of the mental and spiritual practices and has become popular as fitness yoga. Nevertheless, people who practice yoga poses derive benefits of yoga like a focused mind, self-discipline, a composed temperament and a healthy view of life.

The great repose
There are a hundred yoga poses. They have interesting names like Red Indians who named themselves Sitting Bull or Galloping Horse. The poses bear names like The Boat, Crow, Peacock, Lotus and so on. The last mentioned is the pose in which the Buddha is shown seated. It is the pose developed by yogis for their meditation. Legs withdrawn and feet resting on the thighs, hands placed on the thighs turned upward with thumb and forefinger closed, the spine and neck held erect, eyes lightly closed and the normally outgoing mind gathered and centred within this is the ultimate pose of repose without and within.

But yet, before we could attain that inner repose, we have to slowly master the body through various poses and by regulation of breath which is called pranayama. Regulation of breath is said to energise the body and gradual slowing down of breathing is said to reduce the frequency of thoughts which is the necessary prelude for meditation.

The yogi among bats
There is the familiar joke about bats in a cave. They were all hanging upside down as their wont. But one bat was seen standing on his feet. When the other bats asked him why, he answered, I am practicing yoga! That bat is the counterpart of the people who delight in doing the headstand, a difficult but a very effective pose for stimulating blood circulation in the entire body. Its modified and easier version, the all limbs pose is also recommended for all ages.

In a way, yoga poses are for people who want to be and dare to be different and pursue what their inner being and instinct of the body prompt them to do. It is by treating the body with respect and dignity, not by pumping iron and straining the muscular and nervous system. In the latter case, we see these people breaking down in health when they stop doing these heavy-handed exercises.

Tips for the beginner
Starting practice of yoga poses is easy. But some words of caution would be necessary.

Please do not learn from the books. One should not be ones own Guru (Teacher) in matters of Yoga asanas, pranayama or meditation and one might end up worse than before. Look for qualified, committed, professional teachers.
If you suffer from any ailments or bodily disabilities, obtain medical advice from your physician and from your yoga instructor as to what poses would fit in with your physical condition.
Age is no bar for practice of yoga poses. You do not have to be a stripling to do it.
Your yoga instructor will tell you what kind of yoga accessories and props you need. Your dress should be comfortable enough to allow you to stretch and bend freely.
Like all other physical exercises, yoga poses should be done on a very light stomach and never after a meal.
Fix a particular time for your domestic practice to develop regularity and discipline
Such a discipline does not go with habits like smoking and drinking which have a depleting effect on the physical system

The final test
The ultimate test of any exercise regimen is: Do you feel fresh and energetic or tired and exhausted afterwards? Yoga poses pass this test in flying colours.

On the whole, regular practice of yoga poses tempers and tunes up the body, disciplines the mind and trains the will to apply itself to self-improving habits and style of life and lifts ones perspectives to a higher and nobler level of existence.;

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Words Affect Our Memory - Chose Your Words Carefully

Lots of people put great effort into telling others what a rotten memory they have. And what is their memory like? Rotten! We get what we expect, and out words affect our performance. With regard to our memory, researchers now tell us that we never really forget anything. The information is all in our head. The problem is the recall. This explains why you can "forget" somebody's name and remember it the next day. The name did not vacate your head and pop back into it twenty-four hours later. It was there all the time but you could not "recall" it initially. Our words affect out subconscious and our memory is closely linked without subconscious. If you consistently give your subconscious a program that says "I remember things" then you will find that your recall will dramatically improve. You will subconsciously expect to remember the names and the numbers and you will do so more and more.

An affirmation is a positive thought that you repeat to yourself. Using affirmations allows you to select quality thoughts and implant them into your subconscious so that you can feel better and perform better. Lets assume that you are out driving on the highway and you have a splitting headache. Here is your opportunity to combine the power of words with the power of thought. You begin to repeat to yourself, "my head feels wonderful!" or my head is relaxed and the pain is gone.

As you begin to tell yourself this, no doubt a little voice in the background will be say "you're lying, you feel horrible". However, if you continue with the positive affirmations, the thought that you are feeling well will become aware in your subconscious. You will indeed start to feel better and a half an hour later, chances are the thought will cross your mind, "I had a headache, a while back, but it is gone now. Was that the affirmations, or is that a coincidence? (I don't believe there are any coincidences... everything happens for a reason)

You can use affirmations to get results in many ways. "People always treat me with love and respect. I treat all people with love and respect."

I feel better everyday, I feel healthy, I feel good and I feel prosperous. Affirmations will not mean that you don't have to put forth any effort. They do mean that you have a short cut to conditioning your mind for whatever you want. If you choose to make them a regular part of your life, you will find they are a very simple, yet powerful tool.

"How to Practice Guilt Free Self Care in Times of Stress"; to download Janie's report visit

Janie Behr is a qualified life coach specializing in helping people find their purpose, achieve their goals, and explore all the possibilities that life has to offer. She is available for private individual coaching, group coaching and public speaking engagements. She runs frequent teleseminars dedicated to helping people find and live their most positive lives! For more information please visit

What Changed My Thoughts

My Spouse is a Narcissist - 8 Signs Your Spouse Could Be a Narcissist

Marriage is a challenge and requires work, sacrifice, and commitment.If both partners are balanced and reasonably healthy emotionally, this work can be fulfilling and result in a happy union.However, if your spouse is narcissistic, it may seem like no amount of effort truly improves the situation. You might be bewildered and hurt badly by your partner's self serving actions.A licensed mental health professional should be the person to diagnose a narcissist.However, it is helpful to know what the signs of narcissism are.Here are 8 signs your spouse may be narcissistic:

1. Lack of emotional empathy.Your partner might be unable to walk a mile in another person's shoes.Your partner seems callous and self absorbed in action without this ability.

2. An attitude of grandiose and inflated self worth.Your partner may exaggerate his or her accomplishments, and adopt a sense of superiority.

3. A sense of entitlement.Your partner may expect preferential treatment as a matter of course from those around him or her.

4. A haughty attitude toward others.Your spouse might expect to associate with special institutions or people, and have a sense of superiority over others.

5. A preoccupation with the ideals of perfect power, love, beauty, and so forth.You may be idealized, but you are just as likely to be viewed as worthless, then discarded when you fail to meet the worship expectations of your spouse.

6. Requires extreme amounts of admiration.Your partner may need a vast amount of what is much like a drug in its effect on the narcissist.This "narcissistic supply" involves praise and affirmation of the narcissist's greatness.

7. Takes advantage of other people without hesitation.The narcissist is not bothered by stepping on others to benefit him or herself.

8. Is jealous and envious of the achievements of others.The narcissist feels threatened by the success of others, and may even become enraged about it.

By the way, what is holding you back from making the best choices to achieve the life you deserve?

For a free copy of my ebook, "Strategies For Escaping Emotional Abuse", click here:

Shannon Cook is a personal coach and resource guide who has written a number of informative articles and ebooks on the topic of toxic relationships and "difficult" divorces, including the physical, emotional, practical and relationship components.

Motivational Speech Review

Affirmation and Your Posture

Affirmation, the process of making the words you use to describe your life tangible in the material world, has a significant impact on your health. In other articles, we've discussed the different choices a person might make from a world of "Why not?" versus from "Why bother?" This time, we'll explore how language creates the shape of your physical body.

As a structural bodyworker, this little puzzle compelled me to learn more about how energy and health go together. I am admittedly rather obsessed with posture! Why? Because I want to know what makes you hurt! In evaluating different pain patients over the years, I became extremely curious about the cause and effect of posture.

Problem posture is a primary cause for any number of common pain patterns, like back pain, neck pain, and chronic headaches to name just a few. Realizing that a person doesn't just wake up one morning *bing* with problem posture, I started to inquire about how it comes about. Sometimes, of course, the process begins with physical trauma such as an accident.

Other times, no such explanation can be found. The problem posture seemingly "just happens." Exploring further, it quickly became obvious that a person's habitual frame of mind has a lot to do with the position of their body in space. This is where the affirmation comes in.

Affirmation is the process of "making firm." You are probably already aware of a human phenomenon we sometimes call "that little voice in the back of your head." It entertains you constantly with a recital of thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. Unless you do something to influence it, that recital becomes a continuous flow that creates your experience here. It also creates your posture.

  • "Why do they keep doing this to me?" turns into protection of your solar plexus (right below the ribs in the middle of your abdomen), caved chest, and a forward head posture. You'll most likely have headaches, neck pain, upper back pain, and you just might hurt all over.
  • "Oh no. This is gonna go my way!" creates the opposite pattern. Too much lumbar curve (your low back), very straight upper back, and a loss of curve in the neck. You will most likely have lower back pain. If it's combined with any kind of a twisting pattern, you'll very likely become a candidate for back surgery, because you will have worn out your L4 / L5 disc prematurely. You may have some neck issues, and your upper back will hurt, too.
  • Lead with your chin?
  • Habitual pleaser who can't make up your own mind?

There is a common inner language for any number of excessive personality traits. This inner language creates a particular state of mind in the speaker. Whether that person believes he needs to shield against a never-ending onslaught of bullies or be perpetually ready to stand up and fight, the body will make itself ready to respond.

Muscles are the agents of this system. If your mind tells you, "Here it comes! You're about to be attacked and there's no way out!" then your abdomen and chest muscles will reflexively contract to protect your solar plexus, just like a boxer protecting himself from a disabling punch.

If your mind tells you, "This guy is not gonna pull one over on you today. What does he think you are, stupid?" then your chest will puff out and your lower back tighten as you prepare to hold your ground, no matter what the cost.

Muscles create the motion. If they do it frequently and repetitively, as they surely will, your bones will begin to change shape in an effort to make the position easier to maintain. Unfortunately, making a dysfunctional pattern easy to maintain isn't really doing you a great favor. By the time you develop a chronic pain pattern, things will be very well entrenched.

But ... there is a way out. You have a secret weapon. Affirmation.

Chances are if you do develop a chronic pain problem, you'll visit some kind of practitioner for help with it. A chiropractor, perhaps, or a physical therapist, massage therapist, or a member of one of the medical specialties that deals with pain. They'll suggest strategies to help you with the physical symptoms. A series of adjustments, mechanical changes, injections, medicines, or perhaps even surgery.

None is likely to suggest that you explore your habitual state of being. Hopefully by now you understand its effect on the situation. So, no big deal. You can create a positive affirmation yourself. Here's how:

  1. Notice the common language your own "little voice" uses to describe your life.
  2. If it's not healthy and balanced, then create an opposite statement. For example, if you repetitively hear something like "I'm just filling space here," change it up to "I make a real difference to the people around me." Your statement should, when fulfilled, create the world as you want it.
  3. As you hear your mind mechanically reciting the "old" statement, replace it with the new one. It really is that simple.

Your posture may not completely transform overnight. However the other therapies that you engage in will be more likely to work. Their effects will last longer. Your body will begin to flow with, rather than resist, the desired change. And you'll find yourself feeling much better.

Elizabeth Eckert coaxes, cajoles, and gently guides the creation of healing intent. She's the founder of and author of Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses From Sabotaging Your Health. Align your whole self for health ... starting today! Share "Arielle's" real-life story: The power of positive healing intention.

Power Of Positive Thinking

The Present Moment - New Life, Love and Prosperity in Uncertain Times

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that it seemed too impossible for anything in your life to pan out?

You try, try, try so hard yet nothing comes together and you wonder if anything is possible. With all your good intentions, shouldn't life and business be so much easier, especially with all the advantages of our modern age? Seriously, what is the big problem? Moreover, what is specifically in the way that is blocking you from making it all work? You might be surprised by the answer.

Business success (or failure) isn't a modern phenomenon. 5000 years ago businesses were flourishing with markets selling everything from local fish to foreign spices including all types of services. There were poor people and rich people, just like we see today. There were hard times and good times, just like we see today. There were people with positive attitudes and people with negative attitudes, just like today.

Nothing fundamental has changed. The same elements of life are still here, alive and well as usual. But let's face it - the world today is a thousand times more complex. It is becoming important today to be a bit more detached from life, to not rely so much on circumstances but rather rely more on yourself as a good human being. It's a big world. You cannot change the world. You can only change yourself. All along, there is only one thing in existence that never changes, never disappears, and can always be counted on no matter what happens. What is it?

The Present Moment

You might suddenly be asking yourself, okay great. So what? Big deal: The present moment, what is the point: How can something so common and obvious have anything to do with me, my success in life, or my business?

The Present Moment is Where Everything Happens

How much time do you waste thinking about the past or worrying about the future? More importantly, how much energy do you waste reacting to things that are completely out of your power and control? The truth is if you connect with the present moment (rather than abandoning it, frittering it away with meaningless worries and inconsequential reactions to problems and circumstances) everything will start to take shape in a much more realistic and clear way. How so, you ask?

Do you realize that the present moment is the most powerful reality in the entire universe? Think about it. Everything that happens, whether 500 billion light years away or 10 minutes from now, all happens in the present moment. The present moment is timeless. In fact, time - as huge as we feel it, as huge as it is - is no bigger than a grain of sand compared to the present moment.

So what does this all have to do with you and your business and your life success?

Your existence IS the present moment . . . YOU are NOW. Everything else is something that is merely happening, an event with a beginning and an end. Connect with the Here and Now. You can easily begin doing this by paying close attention to your 5 senses. When you purposely connect with any of your senses, even for 2 seconds, you automatically connect with reality. When you connect with reality, all other delusions of the mind immediately begin to STOP.

The present moment will relieve you of all your useless ills and pains: It will also give you the clarity and much needed tolerance to excel in your business. The bottom line? Take time for YOURSELF. Even to just feel your toes on the floor and to hear the sound of your breath. It will pay beautiful dividends for you, sooner than you think. Be good to yourself. You deserve it!

The saying: "Stop and Smell the Roses" may very well be the biggest understatement ever conceived!

Richard Woolsey is the owner of Online Today Internet Services and a Search Engine Optimization Expert Serving Businesses in Canada and the United States. As a Certified Internet Marketer, Richard Has Helped Many Businesses Gain Lasting Online Success and Higher Income.

Committed People To Success

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Secret For Joy and Happiness

Joy and happiness are the fundamentals of human existence, and it is the hidden root of all human endeavours. A teacher, nurse, doctor, lawyer, businessperson, and you name it, leaving his or her home for work each day; implicitly do so in search of these important components of life. This also applies to a newly wedded couple, or a parent taking care of his or her child or children. There is no human activity without joy and happiness as the main hidden reason for its pursuance.

Very regrettably, though of paramount necessity, the most sought after components of our daily life is very difficult to experience. This is so because as children of God, we possess them already; it is only for us to awaken it. Unfortunately, quite often, this knowledge eludes most Christians.

It is important to note that, as Christians, we are not immune to the world's turbulence. On the contrary, we encounter more problems and difficulties than others, because through life's thorny paths, God refines our character, transforming us according to his will, so that if we submit to him, he can use us to glorify his name.

From the day we accept Christ as our Lord and Saviour, and invite him into our live, Satan, who opposes all that stands for God, declares war against us-attacking us through our health, job, family, relationships, desires, et cetera. The good news is that irrespective of how intense the battle might seem, victory is undoubtedly ours, because Christ's crucifixion has already won the battle for us. Nothing-absolutely nothing and nobody can ever succeed in fighting against us, except we so wish.

If we resist God's calling, we will definitely encounter difficulties, because God knows what is best for us. If we make a wrong choice or decision, it is quite normal that we encounter problems. It is just like taking a wrong direction. For we have a merciful and loving father, kind and sympathetic, whenever we return to him-repenting from our disobedience, he is always there with open-arms to receive us back.


Let us start with happiness.
Life's experiences are not always happy. Nevertheless, the belief is that, we ought to strife for happiness-to do all that we can, to attain it, and make personal satisfaction our main goal. Solomon, writing about his own life, discovered that his wealth, power, wives, and accomplishments did not make him happy. Happiness is an elusive goal because people and circumstances change quickly. True and lasting happiness, however, comes from pleasing God. We cannot achieve happiness, but can only receive it through a right relationship with God, because only God knows what is really best for us, and he is the Creator and the giver of happiness.

When things are going well, we feel elated; when hardships come; we sink into depression. True joy transcends these waves of circumstances. Joy comes from a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. When our lives are intertwined with his, he helps us walk through adversity without sinking into lows and helps us manage prosperity, without moving into deceptive highs. The joy of living with Christ daily keeps us levelheaded, no matter how high or low our circumstances.

True joy is far deeper than happiness; for it can be felt even when we are in the deepest troubles. Happiness is temporary because it is based on external circumstances, but joy is lasting because it is based on God's presence within us. We can find joy and happiness as we contemplate God's presence daily, both in our lives and around us.

While joy comes from knowing and trusting God, happiness comes because of pleasant circumstances or situations. Joy is constant as long as we trust God; happiness is unpredictable, for it fluctuates. Joy defeats discouragements; happiness covers it up. Joy is lasting; happiness is temporary.


The ultimate litmus test for having joy and happiness is how caring we are to others, because this is its only legitimate source. Hence, always helping everybody we encounter and even creating opportunities to render unpaid services to others, will surely give us great joy and happiness. By serving others, we obey God's command that we should love others, and only action can demonstrate true love.

By experimenting with this, you will come to discover that this is the only genuine source of lasting happiness. In other words, the only source of lasting joy and happiness is forming the habit of making others happy-meaning, if we long for these two attributes, we must render un-rewarded services to others. The more we do this, the happier and joyous we will be, irrespective of the circumstances that we may be facing.

I do not mean only those who have done good to us, for this is rewarding them for the services to us. To bear fruit, we have to do it to everybody, even our enemies.
For this philosophy to work there is a condition that must be respected, without which we will be wasting our time and resources. We must not render unpaid services to people to show off or to boast-doing this will definitely rob us of our desired goal. The more we apply this principle, the happier, and joyous we will be. Somebody once said, "Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care." Once people know how much we care, they will pray for us, and the more they pray, the more we will be blessed. Joy and happiness always follows God's blessings.

As we can hardly know our earthly father without having an intimate relationship with him, so also it is with our heavenly father. This is possible only through spending time studying and meditating on his Word. If we do this regularly, we will systematically get to understand his personality, and his boundless power that he has made available to us. Word will breathe life into our daily activities.

In the New Testament, meditation is emphasized in Paul's admonition to Timothy (1 Timothy 4:15). In this verse, the Greek word for "Meditation," meleta, means "To be careful," or "To show care" in a matter. This suggests that meditation is more than just thinking good thoughts. It is paying attention to how we might specifically apply these lessons, after we have finished the meditation, asking the Holy Spirit to guide us.

Meditation gives joy or inner peace and good health as pointed out in Psalm 119:93; it reads, "I will never lay aside your laws, for you have used them to restore my joy and health." Isaiah 26:3 supports this as it states, "He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord's." In other words, as we can never avoid difficulties in the world around us, with God, through his Words, we can still have perfect peace even while encountering turmoil. Supported by God's unchanging love and mighty power, the surrounding calamities will never overwhelm us-natural or otherwise, even ones as destructive as the Tsunami disaster.

Besides meditation giving us joy and happiness, reflecting on the Word of God gives hope when there seem to be despair. The Psalmist realised this when he said in Psalm 94:19, "Lord, when doubts fill my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer."

Secondly, spending time meditating on the Scriptures gives tremendous wisdom and understanding that will affect all areas of our daily life. It is through meditation that we can rise above our natural selves and the world, seeing God's plan in its proper perspective. Meditation is the mother of creativity.

1. Focusing on God's person:
What does this mean? It is reflecting on our understanding of our Creator. Though at first glance this seems easy, on a deeper thought our impression is quite the opposite. There are many questions that spring up in our mind-questions such as, what do we actually know about God? What do we believe about God? What does the Bible say about God that touches our every day life? What great attributes of God can we better appropriate in our life each day?

On doing this, we discover that no one can get answer to most of our questions, except if we ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate our mind and give us wisdom and understanding. As we meditate regularly, we will be amazed to see how our understanding of God's nature and His purpose both for us and for the world increases. Consequently, our confidence in ourselves and in His Words will also increase beyond our imagination. We will feel God's joy and happiness in our hearts.

2. Focusing on God's Word:
There is nothing as inspiring, encouraging, and motivating than meditating on God's Word. With about thirty thousand of God's promises in the Scriptures, irrespective of our circumstances there is always a promise that can reassure us. Besides all other promises, is it not comforting to know that God tells us not to be afraid, and that he will never abandon nor forsake us?

Personally, one of my most comforting promises of God is found in Jeremiah 29:11 - 13; it reads,
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest." Whenever I am disappointed or going through a difficult time, as I am now, all the negative emotions that I had disappear when I read this. Joy and happiness, hope and optimism fill my heart. This has been a great source of inspiration to me.
If you form the habit of meditating on God's promises in the Scriptures, especially those that correspond with your particular situation, you will realise that you can have joy and happiness as your permanent companion, no matter what your situation.

3. Focusing on God's work:
Another angle that we could reflect on the Scriptures is God's work. This is what the writer of Psalm 77:12 did when he wrote, "Those wonderful deeds are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about them."

One does not need to travel far to see God's wonderful handwork to meditate on, because his majestic creation is all around us. You can even start with your person. Have you ever imagined how complex our body is? It is made up of hundreds of different parts, elements, substances, cells, etc. Yet each of them and their respective roles are important and necessary to the functioning of our body.

We can also reflect on the sky with its magnificent asymmetric structure and components, whose nature is beyond human understanding; despite all the scientific researches and discoveries. We could meditate on countless things.

The more we ponder on God's creation, the more we will discover how insignificant we are as compared to him. The main advantage of this method is it has the tendency of humbling us before God. Consequently, we will be blessed as Christ promised in the Beatitude, "Blessed are the humbled, for theirs is the kingdom of God."

4. Focusing on past victories:
Quite often, we forget all the wonderful things that God has done for us in the past. On reflecting on them our heart will never stop glorifying him, and we will never be scared of the future or any situation. Unfortunately, quite often we completely forget all that he has done for us, and concentrate only on the very few things that we lack. That is human nature.
Meditate on God's previous blessings, guidance, goodness, protections, and mercies during difficult times. Why not follow Jeremiah as stated in Lamentation 3:21 - 23, it says, "Yet there is one ray of hope: his compassion never ends. It is only the Lord's mercies that have kept us from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness: his loving-kindness begins afresh each day."

5. Praise and worship: With praise and worship we thank, adore, glorify, and magnify God's grace, mercy, faithfulness, amazing love the list is infinite.

The effect of praise and worship is immediate, and it is astounding. Quite often, when I encounter a situation that seems to overwhelm me, all that I do, is to sing my favourite songs. Joy and happiness flow abundantly into my heart. My favourites are:

When I think of the goodness of Jesus
And all that he has done for me
My very soul shouts Alleluia
Thank you Lord for saving me

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning
New every morning
Great is thy faithfulness, oh Lord
Great is thy faithfulness

When you face a situation that seems impossible for you to handle, just sing one of your most favourite songs. You will feel tremendous joy and happiness pour into your heart. It will be like an opened tap whose outlet was blocked.

Tithing is one of the greatest secrets for joy and happiness that has eluded many, even most dedicated Christians. What is the relationship between tithing and joy and happiness, you may wonder. The answer comes from knowing its main purpose as it is stated in the second sentence of Deuteronomy 14:23, to "teach us always to put God first in our lives."

The above-quoted passage makes it very clear-to put God first in our lives. We are to give God the first and best of what we earn. What we do first with our money shows what we value most. Giving the first part of our income to God immediately focuses our attention on him. It also reminds us that all that we have are his. Forming a habit of tithing regularly can keep God at the top of our priority list; giving us a proper perspective on everything else we have.

The benefits of tithing are two-fold. First, keeping God at the top of our priority list makes God keep us at his. Second, paying to support God's work makes him promote all our endeavours. It is impossible to tithe habitually without being blessed beyond human comprehension. When this happens, joy and happiness will come naturally.

Forgiveness is the offspring of understanding and acceptance.
Like the other two components, it does not mean approval but forgetting unconditionally about the past, accepting the present as it is, and looking towards the future with optimism.
Forgiving others is to erase completely what the person has done to us from our mind. It is forgetting about retaliation, reparation, restitution, or revenge.

Besides that forgiveness releases the heavy burden of grudges from our mind, the Bible says that God forgive us as we forgive others. No wise person could ever wish to face God's anger that might be brought about by his or her unforgiving attitude.

Bitterness always accompanies unforgiveness, and in its presence, joy and happiness will be as far from us as East is from the West. By forgiving, we not only create room for joy and happiness, but we also invite them to take their place in our hearts.

I do not mean to say that it is easy to forgive. I quite understand how difficult it can be. Luckily there is a strategy, and that is to separate the problem from the perpetrator. We can do this by referring to the Scriptures, as it states that our troubles are not caused by flesh and blood, but by principalities. Most of our problems, including being offended by people are spiritual warfare, rather than the doing of the people concerned. By reasoning this way, and with prayers, it will be easier to forgive.

I pray that Almighty God, who called us to serve him, will grant us all that we need, including filling our hearts with joy and happiness, so that we may serve him with assiduity, in order that his name will be glorified, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen!

The author also has an inspiration book entitled, "In search of Success", which is yet to be published.

Thinking About Suicide

I guess it's time to write this. If you are entertaining, considering or just wondering about suicide, this is for you. There is nothing real to escape. The only thing that we want to get away from is what's inside our heads. There is nothing inside our heads that is not imaginary. With that in mind there is nothing we need to escape from. I'm sure it makes a lot less sense to run from an imaginary world than a real world. The real world is only the solidified imagination. It can be dissolved and reformed by that which caused it in the first place. There no permanent thing anywhere. No permanent society, no permanent people, no permanent earth, ideas, laws, importance, religion or for that matter, even imaginary ideas. With this in place the world changes from life sucks to this little impermanent picture sucks.

What most people want to get away from is that society/world they see through their little brain viewers. We all have these little viewers that we look at seemingly solid things with. If it holds its shape for a minute we can look at it and think of it as solid. The way it works is this, imagination is cause. That solid stuff is effect. So all that serious solid stuff out there that appears so important, important enough to kill our brains over, is nothing more than a temporary solidifying of the imagination. This is how the world around us was made. People know this. Lots of people understand this. The people most responsible for the crappy picture the viewer views know this, maybe better than any of us. It's not what we would call common knowledge because if it were the economic foundation of the world would disappear and those who profit from it would lose control over your life and mind. Or mind and life.

You see what you want to put an end to, through this suicide idea, is not even what you really want to put and end to at all. You, or anyone else, by committing suicide won't be ending the you. Put this saying in your little sayings box: don't through the baby out with the bath water. Shut the lid so it doesn't get away. Now, from this moment on, you'll always remember this little saying. From this you can separate what you want to put an end to and what you don't. What you want to put an end to, what you want to throw out, what needs thrown out, is the bathwater. I am doing this. Lots of people are doing this. More and more every minute of every day, people are doing this. There is a process for doing this. It's fun. It would be easier if we could take our brains out like a vacuum cleaner attachment and just dump all the nonsense in to the trash. Although it's not quite that easy is is much like that. I have a few little games, I suppose you'd call them, that I use. When my brain presents one of it's disturbing, saddening, depressing thought/pictures to "me" I take the whole picture, crumple it up, rub my hands together turning it into a fine powdery stuff that just blows away into nothingness. Then I look at the brain and ask, "anything else? Any other stupid pictures? This is another idea you can use: all that serious, troubling, oh so very important and permanent stuff out there? It's all make believe. It's all silliness. It's of no value. No worth. Not even worth spending a minute or two on, let alone becoming completely immersed in. Most of what people and society spout off about is simple goofiness. Hardly anything you see or hear now days is worth your time, even what it takes to listen. There is little of value coming at us from out there.

Also for your little box: we don't live in a sane environment. We live in an environment designed and driven by consumerism. There is nothing mysterious or important taking place. It's all set up so that a few people can take, so called, ownership of the planet. These are the same crazy people who killed the Indians, any Indians on any continent. The same people behind the massacre of East Timor. They killed Tesla and Wilhelm Reich and they shoot at UFO's. These people are of no relative importance. They are are not more or less important than you. In fact the word "importance" is kind of a silly word that people have invented and now use to manipulate others. All words were invented. I'll tell you what is most important, more important than the idea of importance...Fun. Enjoying yourself is the only worthwhile endeavor available to any of us. When we truly enjoy ourselves we will want others to enjoy themselves and so on. It's contagious. So you see why it is of supreme value? All you have to do to enjoy yourself is employ the principles of enjoyment. This is how the world works. This is how the "you" works. This is how everything works. Life functions on principles. Period. There is nothing else. Anything else is confusing. It's non-existent. Not there. Not real.

Suicide itself is silly. Suicide is a no thought reaction to the nothingness of the state of non enjoyment. The idea of suicide becomes possible because of the ridiculous stuff we are ask to believe. One of those being that society is important. Or religion is important. I heard some one the other day state, out loud, that the bible was written by god. An invention, from mans imagination, has somehow written a book. Whew...Belief in the "impossible to prove" is driving a lot of people insane. We live in a society where, at least half of the people, are insane. You are completely sane in your desire to escape it. Your means of escape are not sane, but that is to be expected. Look what you have to deal with. The means of escaping an imaginary world are contained in the imagination.

That is the tool for changing your life, society and the human species. That is what has shaped the solid world and that is what will shape whatever is to come. Once you, by dealing with this imaginary desire, come out the other side you will have in your possession a great gift. This gift is for you to give to others. It is for you to add to the enjoyment quotient of life. You see we all have experiences. It is through the pain and the overcoming the trials of the experience that we become useful to others. You could go to school and study people and brains and psychology for as long as you could stand it and never learn what you know. You will be the most help to the others. Your experience will mean more to them than any fictitious credentials. It is from my experience that I write these things. It is from the pain of my own insane past that I gain experience and become of some use to others. You don't even have to find a vehicle for your gift. Life has already provided it.

Everything else you need to know is on my site and available. I am available. Huge, ridiculously enormous amounts of resources, for fun and enjoyment are available. Start today. Get the imagination ball rolling. Feel free to contact me.

Bio: Doug Wilson is an avid student of concepts and has spent the last five years seeking out the structural aspect of unrest in human nature . The results of this study is being cataloged and written out as a system for self discovery formatted on twelve step program principles at Addiction: In the 21st Century

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Review of Joy the Jellyfish, by Kristen Collier

Joy the Jellyfish has a very serious problem. More than anything, he wants to make friends. But how on earth can he make friends when he's nearly invisible!

He tries to get the attention of the other Great Barrier Reef companions--Amy Anemone, a school of sea horses, Gantian the Great White Shark, Bogart the Blowfish, Daphne the Dolphin--but because of his near-invisible nature, he's mostly ignored.

"My only wish is to have a friend," says Joy the Jellyfish. Then, as he keeps traveling deeper into the ocean, and the waters become icier and darker, he meets Bella Beluga the Whale, who teaches him the secret of friendship and how friendship itself has nothing to do with his nearly-invisible physical nature. Thanks to Bella, Joy learns how to overcome shyness and make friends. More confident, he swims back to the reef, this time powered with the knowledge of true friendship.

Joy the Jellyfish is a sweet story about friendship and about how to overcome shyness in order to make friends. The prose and dialogue are engaging and the brightly colored illustrations captivating. This is a book that will make a fine, delightful gift to any child, not only because of its beautiful artwork and engaging plot, but also because it teaches the different animals which inhabit the great barrier reefs. This book is the first collaboration between talented illustrator Kevin Scott Scollier and his author wife, Kristen. I hope this book will not be their last and I certainly look forward to more children's picture books from them.

Written by Kristen Collier
Illustrated b496y Kevin Collier
Dragonfly Publishing
October 2007
24 pages
Paperback: $12.99
Hardcover: $25
Available on Amazon

Mayra Calvani is an author and book reviewer. Visit her website at
Visit her blogs: and

Crisis in Christianity - Spiritual Books - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Personal Developement and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Buels Manual Of Self Help

Setting Goals and Objectives in Your Life and Career

Whether you are speaking about your life or your profession, you need to establish a focus to keep you moving in a positive direction. In either of those, you want to be moving forward and showing progress to let you know you are getting somewhere in life. By setting goals and objectives, you allow yourself to establish a plan of action in your life and have a measuring stick to see if you are where you think you need to be at each stage of your life.

The first thing you need to do is get everything written down so you can actually see what you want to accomplish. This will not only help you organize your goals and objectives, but it will also allow you to get a grasp if you actually think these goals and objectives are reasonable or not. At times, we are all a little ambitious and don't realize that we are disappointed because we have not achieved this or that, then you write them down and realize that you are trying to accomplish too much at one time and need to get yourself better set up to achieve exactly what you want.

As we all know, life can be funny in that when you least expect it, you hit a bump that throws everything off track. When this happens, and it will, you need to reevaluate where you are with your goals and objectives and reassess where you are. When this happens, it is no big deal to push something back or even eliminate something that is no longer reasonable for you to achieve. It happens, it is life and there is nothing you can do about that. Just remember to stay focused and set time lines for where you want to be and how you want to get there and you will find that you are able to check off your goals and objectives much quicker this way than just randomly struggling through life.

To get more help on setting goals and objectives in ways that actually work in real life, just click here.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Don't Get Distracted!

Wow, she is gorgeous. Blonde, comfortable, fun looking. And, driving a 69 Camaro! I love the paint job; a creamy rich yellow, with a wide black strip across the top. Gotta be custom. Is it a Z28?


The gawker rear-ended the good-looking Camaro.

The back window of the Camaro shattered and fell out. The driver pulled over, turned off the car, and got out. So did the gawking, now dumbfounded, guy who hit her. They were 20 feet from a busy 4 way intersection in downtown Kennewick, Washington. Other drivers reduced their speed to get around the mess. People were admiring or shaking their heads at the folly. Curious pedestrians began crowding around, habitually lured to any spectacle.

The gorgeous blond held her ground. She knew this affair was going to be dealt with quickly and correctly. Although completely aware of the man's inanity, she purged her mind of blame. Human beings get distracted. She did not need to add to the distracted milieu by finding fault. She blocked out the mounting interference coming from the crowd and made an effort to look past the stir.

The police were called. It was hot outside. Hot. The gorgeous blond did not react to the heat or the man's rambling. Yes, his car's front end was bashed in real good by the heavy weighted Camaro, but that was not a point at the moment. She began an orderly process of making sure they stood where it was safe and they exchanged information. The police came, followed up on the business and they all dispersed.

Quite often situations come up that demand our immediate and concentrated effort. And, if we don't give spiritual attention, the situation lingers or worsens. The circumstance can be a child's escalating tantrum, a frantic co-worker, or an attacked body. However, as the mind systematically stays uninterrupted by surface perceptions, a person can manifest perpetual forward movement. A mess can dissolve with impeccable thought, untainted by self-will, timidity, or resentment. From 21st Century Science and Health, "Thought is attracted toward Soul and as a result, superficial perceptions and the body do not become distractions."

Anytime people get attracted to surface perceptions, they really are being distracted away from Soul, our source of nonstop progressive expression. The distraction away from Soul causes mental blocks to be felt. Or, embarrassing situations can be created. This is needless however, because there is a force that strikes our human beingness with the power to look further, deeper, and see a decent outcome. I call the force, Christ.

There is no question that the human mind can be befuddled or punch-drunk for no apparent reason. Therefore, Jesus constantly brought attention to our ability to connect with the Christ-spirit. Once, when a large hungry crowd was coming toward him, Christ Jesus asked Philip where they should buy bread to feed the crowd. "He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he was going to do." (John 6::6, NRSV) Philip went into brain-freeze mode. He began rambling on about how many months it would take someone to work at a job to pay for the food necessary to feed the crowd.

But Peter, standing alongside, was a bit more savvy (or in other words, a bit less distracted by human scheming and numbers), looked at what they did have, instead of what they didn't have, and found some bread and two fish. Yet Peter, although willing to rely on ontological realism, still fell back on his calculations by running some comparisons. He measured the people, then the food, and confessed the small amount of food could not feed so many people.

Then there was Christ, fully realized by Jesus who knew spiritual food was endless.

Christ Jesus held his ground. He demanded order. The crowd was told to sit. Undistracted by the inane, the doubtful, the contrasting and comparing, Jesus gave thanks. The food increased exponentially as it was shared. Everyone ate and they had leftovers.

The goal to manifest a clear ordered thought process is possible. As we know Soul, the spirit of humanity is exalted by the Christ-spirit, consequently we are receptive to regroup immediately after a disruption. Christ-one with Soul and its unending supply of credible ideas-then melds our being with the perpetual movement forward. When thought is on God, there are no distracted thoughts.

Cheryl Petersen advocates spiritual thought before action. Her website offers "21st Century Science and Health," an eBook that explains a practical metaphysical approach to everyday human situations.

Believing In Religion Video

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Loving People With Kindness
What Is A Exorcism

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spreading the Good Word of God Gently

The other day I was walking through the park when I saw a man, an extremely large man reading the Bible. I was minding my own business like I normally do in full observation mode, just simply enjoying life. When what I thought was a tree reading the Bible, moved and scared the crap out of me. This man was about 6'9" and look like he played professional football but when he spoke it was nonthreatening and very gentle.

Have you read the Bible he said. I thought to myself, you have got to be kidding me. Couldn't this person have been smaller and what's he going to do when I tell him that I have but no longer follow Christianity. I liked my face and the rest of my body, should I lie to this man to save my own life or would he be understanding about my beliefs.

I threw the dice out on the table and told him that I have read the Bible and do not believe it is the word of God, the Creator of the universe. I explained to him that, there is a lot of useful information and some wonderful stories in the Bible but that it could not completely be proven as factual information. I continued to explain to him that there was a lot of information in the Bible that contradicted itself and some that simply wasn't true.

He sat back down on the park bench and asked me to join him. I couldn't resist as I always have enjoyed talking about religion and ready to learn something about this man and why he is a Christian. He started to tell me about some recent events that have happened in his life, some bad, some worse and of course some that he didn't want to talk about. However, he did mention a trip to church a few Sundays ago that changed his life.

I was happy for him that he had found peace but explained to him that he is extremely vulnerable to anything right now that can make a little sense out of his life. Be careful I told him, because you could get caught up in something that feels and sounds good, only to find out later in life, that you have questions about Christianity that can't be answered.

I had a very pleasant conversation with this person and I believe he appreciated a few of the points I made. When people are down and out and their lives seem to be really messed up, they're extremely vulnerable to others religious beliefs, whether they're right or wrong.

Don't force your religious beliefs onto others, be kind and courteous to those who are on the edge and having difficulties in life. Explaining to them about your religion and how it has benefited you is wonderful but it might not be as beneficial to someone else. The next time you plan on converting someone who is down in the dumps, make sure that you understand your own religion before you pass false beliefs onto others.

It's like a cancer spreading through the body, most of the cancer cells don't know what they are doing or how much damage is going to be done until it's too late.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Can One Book Change Your Life

Is the Bible Accurate

I'm going to start with the first book of the holy Bible, Genesis chapter 1 verse one through five. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

And God said," let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

If the Bible is historically accurate, did God actually create earth. I have been battling over this, my whole life. It's very easy for someone to accept and believe in any religion, government, other people or whatever they truly desire to make real. I see it every day of my life, open your eyes and you will see it to.

It's hard to imagine that a superior entity like God created everything that we touch and see. The moon itself is pretty big and the creation of the sun would prove to be a little more difficult, but if you're God and your all knowing and all powerful, he or she or it, must be one incredible being.

This is only the first couple of paragraphs in the Bible and there is no, I repeat no, historical accuracy to this event. It seems like God or man, whoever wrote the Bible, should have started the Bible with something a little more believable for people that live in the 21st century. It's not hard to imagine someone 2000 years ago, believing in something like this.

2000 years ago the Romans were worshiping their own gods, we might find this ridiculous today but back then the Romans would punish you if you didn't worship their gods. We are not too far from that today. If we don't stop organized religion and their influence on humanity, we're going to have serious problems in the future.

The biggest problem I foresee is common sense. If the Bible has 500 historical accurate facts that can be proven without a doubt by historians, scholars and other intelligent people, but has one thing that can't be explained, how do we handle this. How do we handle the fact that the Bible states God created light? If this is false, what else is false in the Bible.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Have you ever really ask yourself Who is, Jesus of Nazareth?

Greg is currently working on a Personal Power Ideas. If you're ever wondering why some people can achieve success, while others seem to struggle aimlessly, what would it hurt, to take a couple of minutes of your time, if you could actually find the truth.

Whose God is The Best

If you're part of a religious organization, and were asked this question, "Whose God Is Better" meaning of course, is your God better and stronger or smarter and better looking than the religious competition. Is this something that you believe or were taught while you were young? Obviously you wouldn't think that the Hindu god Brahma is better than Yahweh or Jesus, if you're a Christian. It just wouldn't make any sense to belong to a religion that was weaker than the competition.

It seems like most religions around the world have gods or even one almighty God that is the biggest and baddest god in the neighborhood, maybe even the entire universe.

If we look at the numbers, the Christian God Jesus of Nazareth is the strongest by far. A survey that was done in 2005, showed Christians 2.1 billion strong and growing. With numbers like this, their God must be doing something right. Do you think these numbers are large because of their financial influences in poor countries? Something to think about, how did Christianity become such a large religious institution. They've got plenty of money and pay relatively little taxes. Remember the golden rule, the person with the most gold makes all the rules.

Second on our religious scale are the Muslims, the Islamic religion has over 1.1 billion followers and that puts it at almost half the size of Christianity, but more than doubled the size of the third largest religion by the numbers.

The third largest religion in the world is Hinduism and most of India which is second only to China as the most populated countries in the world are Hindus. Hinduism ranks around 800 million followers.

I'll stop right there. I wanted to give you an idea of religion by the numbers, realistically the Christians and the Muslims believe in the same God but the Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet and the Christians don't recognize Mohammad at all and Mohammad is the number one prophet for the Islamic religion. But if we put the two of them together, it would be the largest religion by far with almost no competition economically or with military strength.

So to answer our question," Whose God Is Actually Better", I would have to say the Christian God is the most popular and powerful God and the universe. The only problem is, there's no actual proof that Jesus, Mohammed, Yahweh, Krishna or any other supreme being is real. People follow these religions and base almost everything on faith with very little facts that can actually be proven.

I'm not talking about small facts, I'm talking about big ones like, how the world was created, you can choose to believe, anything that you want but until we have some facts or at least something that sounds pretty good, you should probably stop thinking, that your religion is the only way and your God the best. Show some compassion for other religions around the world, their beliefs are no better or weaker than yours.

Hope in Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, religious books

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Do You Live Life on Default Or Do You Participate in Your Life

It's incredible the number of people who do very little or no planning in their lives. Who is in charge? What is there to be gained from wandering about life from experience to experience without having any idea of where you are going? I like to think of it as though there is an auto-pilot flying your life - sometimes you'll get something that you really want or arrive somewhere you really want to be, but most of the time, you are simply going to get what you get.

In order to live your life with a sense of direction, you have to make some decisions. You have to decide:

  • Where you are going
  • What you want to be, do and have
  • How active you are going to be in pursuing your goals

I'm a firm believer that there is no pre-determined purpose to our lives and that ultimately, it makes no difference if you live your life set to default, or if you take an active role in your life's direction and purpose. I do get the sense that to live our lives set to default is to miss out on some of the wonderful journeys we are able to create for ourselves. If you constantly find yourself arriving at a new destination, that you didn't pre-plan or intend to arrive at, then surely you've simply been a passenger in your life and not the driver. Ultimately though, if you understand that you have the choice to participate or sit back and let it happen, then you make the choice from an informed position. There are many people who are unaware that they do have the choice to participate in life and it is these people who have the most to gain from reading these words.

So rather than being a passenger, decide where you wish to go, who you wish to be and what you wish to have in your life, and then take action and make it happen.

Dan O'Neil offers Life Coaching and personal development training services in the UK. He specialises in helping people improve their confidence, self esteem and work-life balance. Dan also writes a popular personal development blog.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Goal Setting 101 - Chart Your Progress And Celebrate The Win - 2 Examples Of Goals We Materialized

How you feel is so tremendously important is it not? I mean really, when you feel good about an accomplishment it empowers you to do so much more. As a result recognizing that feeling is just as important. By recognizing the feeling I mean you need to celebrate it and by celebrating the process of that achievement you will feel better the entire time you are working towards the end result. Celebrating the process is best achieved by keeping a progress log, either in your journal or on the back of your goal card.

It really doesn't matter how big or how small the goal is that you want to materialize either, no matter what, keep track of your progress towards it and celebrate the heck out of it once you have gotten there. Take a moment and have a look at a couple of goals that have been materialized recently and how we tracked them and then celebrated them.

In January of this year I set a goal to achieve a premium membership status with EzineArticles. Now from what I could figure out, that could be a relatively simple process or I could make it a difficult process. I knew that would be my choice. Like I have described in some of my past articles I chose to put focused energy into the task. I went about learning exactly what was expected of my for submitting articles that adhered to the guidelines of the platform, realizing of course, that it did not matter whether I agreed with the guidelines or not. I wanted to be posting articles there and as a result I had to adhere to their rules. It just was fortunate that I had no issues with the guidelines by the way.

I knew that the process could take anywhere from 10 to 25 submissions and I was on a mission to get the task done in 10. I charted every success on the road. I kept a log of my articles, when they were submitted and when they were approved until I reached what I had faith was the last one that I would need for the upgrade. Every time an article was approved I put a great big check mark and the date by it. Today I celebrate being upgraded by letting my entire list of associates and customers know about it, they celebrate with me and the positive energy around the articles is astounding. Now I realize that this is a small celebration, but it is a celebration none the less and I always feel better celebrating than anything else.

Now let me tell you about a bigger goal that we are going to be celebrating at the end of this month. A couple of years ago my wife and I set a goal to work from home, together, full time and profitably. Because we applied absolute laser beam focused energy into that goal, tracked every inch of our progress towards it we will be celebrating with the bottle of Champagne that we put aside just for this occasion. We put that focused energy into several areas:

  • Watching and tracking our progress (celebrating every small win and step towards the goal)
  • Personal development
  • Goal setting
  • We carefully chose the business models we would use
  • Responsibility, and
  • Accountability

A long time ago we picked out the resort we wanted to celebrate at and we will be doing just that in a few short weeks. Living a life of design, our design is a wonderful thing.

Perry Thorne is a successful online entrepreneur, working on his first book which will be ready in 2008. Perry now has a goal and mission of helping as many other people, that have or can develop a true burning desire. Perry realizes that no one else can define freedom for someone else. at the materialize your goals blog he is able to keep people up to date with the ongoing pursuit of materializing your goals. Perry is renowned in his local area as a motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He uses the blog as a way to give back.

Organized To Be Your Best! - A Book Summary

The Big Idea

One of the factors to success is the ability to manage
tasks efficiently and systematically in a similarly
conducive environment. Practicing time management allows
you to accomplish the more important tasks on time; and
helps you achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Organized to Be Your Best! gives simple tips on how to
get started and maintain good organization practices.
Being productive doesnt have to be difficult. After
all, its supposed to make life easier for you!

How to Be Positively Organized!

Being organized goes beyond having a clutter-free office,
it also involves getting your priorities in order and
finding the time to do all the things you want. Another benefit of being positively organized is that you are
able to create a balance between the different aspects
of your life such as work and family.

In order to do this, you must first be able to identify personal and professional goals you would want to
achieve. These goals help you stay on track.

Writing down goals is a very powerful technique. Make
sure your goals are specific, and that they clearly
define what you want to do. Knowing why you want to
achieve these goals and mapping out ways to achieve them keeps you committed. Goals do not necessarily have to be realistic all the time. The higher you aim, the better.

Techniques to Ensure Success

1. Put your goals into writing.

2. Read them daily before you do your planning and before
you go to sleep.

3. Take some action on your goals every day or at least
every week.

4. Share them with another person and listen to their
goals as well.

5. Every week, write down and accomplish smaller goals
that relate to your long-term goals.

6. Review and revise your goals at least twice a year.
Always make sure that your goals reflect your deepest

7. Let your goals inspire you and not haunt you.

8. Include both professional and personal goals to
increase the balance of your life.

Time Management: What You Really Need To Know
Time Management helps you manage the important things
in your life. It is also the basis of any good
organization. Time management helps you focus on
tasks that are essential in reaching your goals.

Planning and Prioritizing

Planning and prioritizing are the foundations of time management. They clearly define your short-term and
long-term goals; and make decision-making on a daily
basis easier.

Identify priorities according to the importance of the
task and how soon it is needed. Classify the tasks
according to the following:

1. Important and urgent.

2. Urgent but not important.

3. Important but not urgent.

4. Not urgent and not important.

Remember that you should make time to do tasks that
are important but not urgent because they are activities
that can help you accomplish your goals.

Six Ways to Maximize Planning and Prioritizing When
Making To-Do-Lists

1. Plan tomorrow, today, and put your plan into writing.

2. Revise your plan. Stay flexible and use common sense!

3. Make at least one, screened-time appointment with
yourself each day.

4. Consolidate activities and avoid unnecessary to-dos.

5. Make time every day to work on your should priorities.

6. Write down key goals, activities, or projects for the week.

How to Handle Too Much to Do in Too Little Time

Control Interruptions at Work

Interruptions often hinder you from finishing your work. These interruptions are either things that you cannot control, such as mail delivery or incoming calls, or
events that can be controlled because you initiate them.

Some interruptions are part of your work, but some are unwarranted. Ask yourself if these interruptions are necessary. If they arent, find creative ways to go about

Five Secrets to Taming Telephone Time

1. Take control through preparations and planning.
When making telephone appointments, make sure to take
note of the best times to call. Decide if some meetings
are best done over the phone or over another medium such
as email.

2. Remember what you say goes a long way with PTA. PTA,
or positive telephone attitude, helps you establish good relationships with people you work with.

3. Use concise communication. Be specific on times when
it would be best to reach you or how much time you can
spare to converse with the other person.

4. Take notes and take action. Some calls require you
to call back after a period of time. Take notes when
making a call so that you wont forget important details
or even the name of the person you are talking to.

5. Train your telephone team. If you have other people answering your phone for you, train them how to handle
or answer calls. Teach them how to screen the important
ones and how to take notes.

By: Regine P. Azurin

Regine Azurin is the President of, a company that provides business book summaries of the latest bestsellers for busy executives and entrepreneurs.

"A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read"

Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers for Busy Executives and Entrepreneurs


BusinessSummaries is a service.

(c) Copyright 2001- 2005 ,

- Wisdom In A Nutshell

Friday, April 17, 2009

102 Things To Be Thankful For

Life in the fast lane. That's how many of us live. We are so busy that we don't take the time to reflect on the good things we have. Sure life is tough but there is a lot to be thankful for. Remember those things. Reflect on those things. Here are a few to get you started.

  1. A beautiful song
  2. A comfortable chair
  3. A cool breeze
  4. A drink of cool water
  5. A full moon
  6. A gentle rain
  7. A glass of cold milk
  8. A good book to read
  9. A good coat
  10. A good husband
  11. A good pillow
  12. A good wife
  13. A scenic drive
  14. Air conditioning
  15. Banana splits
  16. Beaches in the morning
  17. Beautiful women
  18. Birds singing
  19. Blue jeans
  20. Brothers
  21. Butterflies
  22. Butterfly kisses
  23. Ceiling fans
  24. Children laughing
  25. Christmas morning
  26. Clothes that fit well
  27. Comfortable shoes
  28. Compliments
  29. Computers that work
  30. Cooing Babies
  31. Cream Brule
  32. Dark Chocolate
  33. Dishwashers
  34. Diversity
  35. Dried pineapple slices
  36. Fairness
  37. Crackling fire in a fireplace
  38. Flowers
  39. Freedom of religion
  40. Freedom of speech
  41. Fresh ideas
  42. Friendly dogs
  43. Good conversation
  44. Good eyesight
  45. Good friends
  46. Good health
  47. Good movies
  48. Good teachers
  49. Good tires
  50. Grace
  51. Grandchildren
  52. Grandma
  53. Grandpa
  54. Hair spray
  55. High-speed Internet access
  56. Holding hands
  57. Homemade ice cream
  58. Honest people
  59. Hugs
  60. Ice cubes
  61. Indoor plumbing
  62. Kind men
  63. Kittens
  64. Laughter
  65. Live Christmas trees
  66. Morning coffee
  67. Parking spaces near the front
  68. Peanut butter
  69. Plenty of closet space
  70. Polyester
  71. Polite drivers
  72. Porch swings
  73. Pregnant women
  74. Puppies
  75. Quiet mornings
  76. Rainbows
  77. Remote Controls
  78. Roasted peanuts
  79. Shade trees
  80. Silk pajamas
  81. Sisters
  82. Smiles
  83. Snow covered mountains
  84. Snowflakes
  85. Soft toilet paper
  86. Sunrises
  87. Sunsets
  88. Thanksgiving dinner
  89. That I wasn't in the obituaries today
  90. The color of autumn leaves
  91. The ocean
  92. The smell of a Sunday roast cooking
  93. The smell of homemade bread
  94. The words "I love you"
  95. Tire swings
  96. True friends
  97. Uninterrupted dinners
  98. Warm kisses
  99. Warm showers
  100. Whipped cream
  101. White puffy clouds
  102. Wrinkle-free clothes
I hope you enjoyed these. Please email me at the address below and let me know what your think and if you have any suggestions for the list. Please check my website (see below) for other fun stuff.

Thanks for reading!

Come visit us in Doozy Land You will find some great websites with lots of free stuff and other sites to save you time and money.

You'll also find lots of good clean jokes, one-liners, riddles, similes, 'This Day in History' trivia, Birthdays of well known people, Making Money tips and stories, and much more. It's a FUN place.

Contact Craig here:

Craig Jones is the owner of and the DoozyLand Newsletter. It's a fun place to visit and look around. Come see us and you'll be happier than a kitten with a Q-Tip.

Craig is also a freelance professional 'namer', proofreader extraordinaire, part-time writer/copywriter, budding Internet marketing entrepreneur, and all-around nice guy!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Grow Gills - The Power of Learning to Adapt

A couple of years ago my dear mother returned to college after about a 25 year hiatus. As the mother of 7 and a seasoned homemaker, stepping back into the student role was to say the least uncomfortable for her. Recently she called and shared a brief conversation that she had with an old professor. It went something like this:

"How are things going for you?" asked her professor.
"Oh, I'm actually struggling quite a bit. Just keeping my head above water," my mom replied.
"Don't!" he said suddenly.
"Don't?" my mom repeated confused.
Without hesitation, Professor Hawkins said, "Grow gills!"

I found this idea of growing gills inspiring. So often we are swimming through life and feeling as though we are barely staying afloat - or worse - nearly drowning. If that is the case for you, adapt. Have the faith and the fortitude to examine your life and make some needed changes. I am not suggesting that life is always easy. Sometimes it may be all we can do to just hold our breath and wait for the storm to pass. But, in many instances, I believe a little personal tweaking here and there can greatly reduce the level of anxiety and stress in our lives so that rather than barely staying afloat we actually get our metaphorical oxygen from the water and are literally sustained by our ability to constantly adapt.

Growing gills will mean something different for each us. Maybe you need to work less and spend more time with your family to improve withering relationships; eat a healthier diet and exercise regularly so you have more energy to fulfill your responsibilities; forgive someone who has offended you or make that phone call you have been meaning to for years; seek to be more positive and to suffocate old pessimistic views; align your life with principles of honesty and hard work and not expect others to pick up your slack.

Adapting is not painless and it may cause a few growing pains in the process. You will, however, quickly begin to see the fruits of your efforts as you attempt to grow gills. Good luck my fish friends.

Tara has been in the business of teaching, training, and coaching for over 5 years and is a Mission Ignition Certified Coach. She is now the owner of Joy Quest Coaching.