Friday, October 2, 2009

Properly Exercising Faith - People Who Represent Christianity

It's your responsibility as a Christian to properly exercise your faith and to express your opinions as such. If you don't know something for a fact, you are obligated to seek and gather more information about these so-called facts.

With this said, if you hear a Bible verse quoted to you by someone and you don't necessarily understand 100% of what they are saying or you think that they might be twisting around the Scripture, it's your obligation to find out, the truth and nothing but the truth.

Let me give you an example of how to properly exercise your faith. An atheist walks up to you and asks you why you believe in God, you reply," Because it says so in the Bible." Wrong.., wrong answer. Because it says so in the Bible, isn't what I would consider a good answer. It's what I would consider to be a controlled Christian answer, simple but untrue.

The minute that you start referring to things in the Bible and you don't really understand what it is that you're talking about, you're not doing Christianity any favors. The minute that you listen to another person quote out of the Bible and start repeating, what it is that they were saying, without clearly understanding the truth, you're simply spreading rumors.

Think about this, the next time that you tell someone something that you heard, just because you hear something three times, doesn't make it a fact. I would like to tell you a little secret, so pay attention, simply because someone within your religious community, who others look up to, say something that sounds believable, don't start spreading rumors, find out for yourself, if it's actually true.

Christian Bible Problems

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Understanding the Bible

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Financial Burdens From Church Leaders

I really can't believe how many people that don't have enough money and could be living below poverty levels, often he as much as they can to their religious organizations. It saddens me to see those who don't have enough to eat, giving money to their church, even though they needed more than God does.

I realize that the Bible tells its followers to give at least 10% of their earnings to their church or temple. The problem is, that the Bible doesn't provide any information for people that constantly give money to the church, even though they can't afford to. They need this money for food and to educate their children.

I guess it's okay, to form a dependency on your church, even though you could provide for yourself, if you didn't give away all of your money. There are plenty of churches that will provide their patrons with close, food and some of them will even provide shelter for the poor or homeless.

The financial burdens that are produced by some church leaders, make me sick. They make those who can't afford to give, feel guilty and this guilt eats away at them like a cancerous disease, working its way through your vital and important body parts.

I'm going to suggest something to the church leaders. Quit making people feel guilty, simply because you need more money to accomplish the things that you are planning to do. It doesn't really matter, if the stuff that you are doing is great for wonderful, if you're doing it at the expense of others.

I would also like to give some advice to those people who can't afford to give away their money. Quit giving it away. Save your money, feed your family, by your own clothes, and save up for your children's education.

Some of, the money that you are giving to your religious organization, might be squandered away on your church leaders programs. These programs might have nothing to do with God's desire for a better world.

Click Here For A Fascinating Journey Into Christianity - Great Book About The Bible

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

If your interested in a different point of view READ THESE ARTICLES - Great Articles For Christians

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.


Are Your Prayers Being Answered by God - Christianity

I spent a large portion of my life praying for things that never seem to come about, like most of us. I would pray for a better life, help with solving certain problems, good health, a new car, to attract abundance into my life, wealth and happiness. I can tell you that I am in good health and have a better life than I used to but I never got the new car and seemed to have a hard time solving certain problems that I was praying for.

Now here's the catch in Christianity. If I pray for something and I get it, great God has blessed you and you must have done something good to receive what you had prayed for. If you don't receive what you prayed for within the next couple of days, maybe it isn't the right time to receive what you were asking for. If I receive what I have prayed for after that, God has answered my prayers and has given me what I needed at the right time. God knows best and I will continue to pray.

When I ask someone who prays often, how do you really know that God has answered your prayers. In Christianity, I'm talking about God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. I'm not talking about Zeus, Krishna, or any other unspecified creator of the universe. How do you really know that your God has given you what you ask for.

Now think about this for a second, I know that as a Christian you believe in your God but what if, the Hindu god Indra has actually answered my prayer and blessed you. How do I know that Jesus is not one of the Hindu gods, hiding under another name. Could I actually be manifesting my desires from the universe somehow and I am actually God. Think about it, if this doesn't make sense to you, have you ever thought about why yours does.

The minute that I accept something as a fact, I have closed my mind to other possibilities. The world was flat at one time and now it is round. I do not accept the earth has being round, simply because someone has told me this. I can look at pictures, read books, watch movies and come to my own conclusion that there is a very good chance that the earth is round, but I can't seem to forget at one time people thought the earth was flat.

Most of us never even question what we are taught. If you were taught that Jesus, Krishna, Satan or any other god answers your prayers, that's what you probably still believe. Whether your prayers are being answered or not, does not guarantee the existence or deny the existence of God. What you're thinking caps on, Seek and You Will Find.

Eliminate Bible Propaganda

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click here if you're Interested in Christianity.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Creating and Using a Victory Journal

During an interview with Sandi Givens, the discussion lead to how women sometimes have a difficult time disassociating themselves from the things that they do. In other words, when a woman presents an idea to someone, and the idea is rejected or she's told it's not a very good idea; many women find it difficult to remember that it was the idea itself that was rejected and not the "woman". In other words, women become so closely attached to their ideas and the work that they do, that if something they've brought up is put down, it's often seen by the woman as a put down or reflection of themselves.

In order to help encourage "disassociation" between yourself and your work; or between yourself and your ideas; Sandi recommends creating and using a victory journal. You should purchase a nice notebook or blank journal - the nicer the better because you want to look forward to holding it in your hands and writing and reading from it!

On the very front page of your journal, the "cover page", you'll want to nicely write "Victory Journal". You could handwrite it, or you could make it fancier and use scrapbooking supplies or stickers. Whatever makes you feel good when you look at it.

In this "Victory Journal", you are going to write down your victories, wins, successes of each day. Do not ever write something and belittle it; in other words- don't say "I just had a good meeting today". The word "just" dismisses the victory and that is what we are attempting to overcome with a victory journal.

The other important thing to remember when writing in your victory journal, is your victories do not have to be earth shattering. In fact, it's about all the little things that make up your day that are considered successful. You could write that you met a deadline. You could include that you got your little ones off to school on time and without complications or arguments.

If you're not a big writer, there is no reason to write long winded explanations or anything. A victory journal is actually just as effective if you write your successes and wins for each day in a bulleted list - just short phrases that tell you what the success was.

When someone rejects a proposal or idea that you have come up with, you will immediately pull out your victory journal and read some of the successes you've had. You'll be able to see that you are not your idea; that the idea is not you - and that you have so many victories and successes that having one rejection cannot dismiss all of that goodness about you.

Janet Beckers is the host and founder of Wonderful Web Women
An award winning on-line community recognized for generous and honest marketing advice for women on the internet
To learn from the most successful women on the internet through live webinars, masterminds and forums absolutely free, visit and join today

Passion + Purpose = Action or How to Light a Fire

Wanna really turn up the heat in your life? Then use the crucial ingredient essential to turning dreams into reality thats action. Without placing a cake in the oven, all the mixing, folding and combination of ingredients wont get you a finished cake. Its ACTION that produces the final results. Lets focus in on taking the action steps necessary to live our lives full of passion and purpose.

Talk is Cheap

A little less conversation, a little more actionwell they didnt call Elvis the King for nothing. He knew about action (in more ways than one, but thats not the point). He understood talk and action were different. It can be easy to get caught up in the what if syndrome. I used to have a bad case of the what ifs myself. What if I wrote a book? What if I took this class? What if I pursue my passion? What if it doesnt work? We all do it. Its human nature. We talk to our friends, annoy our co-workers, and wear-out our families! Talking about something isnt getting us any closer to the finish line than we already are. In fact, talking about it keeps us stuck.

What keeps us talking? FEAR. In The Aladdin Factor, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen remind us, If you keep on doing what youve always done, youll keep on getting what youve always got. This is otherwise referred to as the definition of insanity. They also refer to the wise words of Stan Dale, Comfort zones are plush lined coffins. When you stay in your plush lined coffins, you die. Lets stop the chitchat, step out of our cushy coffins and get busy living.

Dream vs. Do

So you say Im a dreamer. Well Im not the only one. John Lennon was a dreamer, but he also understood that living our dreams requires action. Honestly, if you can dream it, you can do it. But dreaming alone can find us in Fantasy Land. We sit and spin the story in our minds. We envision living a life of grand proportions. Waking up each day and stepping into the perfect life. There is no perfect (Im a recovering perfectionista too, so I speak from experience), only an original screenplay written and directed and starring our im-perfect selves. The beauty of dreams is that we CAN manifest the things we see in our minds eye. We just need to get over the Yeah, but how?

In Good to Great, Jim Collins shares, Weve allowed the way transitions look from the outside to drive our perception of what they must feel like to those going through them on the inside. From the outside, they look like dramatic, almost revolutionary breakthroughs. But from the inside, they feel completely different, more like an organic development process. Lets stop freaking ourselves out with negative self-talk and how could I? scenarios. Change does require action but its not our job to know exactly how well get from A-Z. Set your intention on the goal and trust that the Universe wants you to have everything your heart desires and then some. Dont worry about the details - just set the wheels in motion.

Do vs. BE

Multi-tasking has become the norm. We get so caught up in the doing of everyday life. We get up, rush to eat, fly out the door, get to office, more multi-tasking ensues, race home, whip up or pick up some food - if we eat at all, spend some quality time with a friend, spouse, partner, kids, the TV, or the Internet and then hit the haybeat down!

Doesnt sounds like the secret to success, huh? Lets flip that switch. Were human BEINGs not human DOINGs. How might we re-frame our lives to start BEING the unique, and creative individuals we were designed to be? First, we must SLOW down. I knowcrazy talk, right? Youre sayinghow can I slow down? Ive got too much on my plate as it is. Well you really CANT do it all. So clean up your stuff, commit to what you really want and take the required baby steps to get there.

Grab a notebook and start asking questions. What three things would I like to incorporate into my day that I am not doing right now? What three things could I eliminate in order to do those other things? What do I really want my days to look like?

What would you do with 30 more minutes a day just for you? What if you got up just 30 minutes earlier? If youve got kids and a spouse, let them know that you are off limits. Would you read? Journal? Work out? Meditate? Have a conversation with God? Take a walk? Have coffee outside and listen to the sounds of a new day dawning?

I understand were not all morning people. But are those extra 30 minutes youre hitting the snooze button, quality sleep anyway? Lets stop complaining that there arent enough hours in the day and re-arrange the 24 weve already got. If living your life your way requires getting up 30 minutes earlier, wouldnt it be worth it? How could it NOT be? Beers become who they are intended to be. Doers die with overflowing in-boxes. Each and every day we have a choice. Which path do you choose? (Yes, sometimes I choose to snooze, but more often than not, I choose to nurture myself).

Imperfect Perfection

According to Deepak Chopra in, The Book of Secrets, There is no limit to how far your influence can reach, but to find that out you must engage life with passion. When you do anything with passion, you express every aspect of who you are. Passion releases all the energy you posses. At that moment you put yourself on the line, for if you throw everything you have into a pursuit, weaknesses are also exposed. Passion brings up everything.

This inescapable fact discourages many people, who dislike the negative parts of themselves so much, or are so intimidated by them, that they hold their passion in check in the belief that life will be made safer. Perhaps it will, but at the same time they are greatly limiting their understanding of what life can bring. The willingness to reach inside every part of yourself opens the door to total understanding. When you hold some part of yourself in reserve you deny it exposure to life; you repress its energy and keep it from understanding what it needs to know.

Wow! Have you ever experienced feeling like that? I have. I was a mess as I was about to launch my website. I was worried about being judged and over-exposed. That people would see all of me. The dark and the light. The good, the bad and the indifferent. The highs and the lows. Me at my finest, as well as, imperfect. I have reached a new level of understanding regarding perfection. I now know that we are ALL whole, complete and perfect AS IS. Right now. It doesnt get any better than this, only different. I appreciate the ebb and flow of my moods more and dont freak out when Im feeling funky (OK, I still freak a little, but Im working on reveling in my funkiness).

My clients have found greater success when they allow themselves to be whole and not just good. One of my clients recently got over her good girl complex, and her world just opened up! Try watching babies. Theyve got this down to a science. One minute they are peaches and cream and the next oil and vinegar. Are they any less beautiful when they are crying than when they are laughing? No. Simply different. Go ahead, revel in your imperfect perfection, its your birthright.


Taking action requires being flexible. You might set out to move forward in one way and then events fall into place and opportunities knock on doors you didnt even know existed. Be flexible and open to the synchronicities that play out in your life. If you open up your heart and ask the Universe to help guide you to your higher purpose, or your desired goal, you have to be open to the way these opportunities will arrive. Dont be so fixated on It has to look like this, or It needs to play out like that.

Synchronicity is the Universal communication system. Example, yesterday I was in a colleagues office and noticed the book, Good to Great on his desk. I commented that Id heard about this book in an article Id read recently. Picked the book up, gleaned it over and went back about my business. 10 minutes later, I received an e-mail from a friend with this book listed as a great resource. Hmmm, lets countthats three times that book came into my awareness in about a 3-day window. I decided the universe was trying to tell me something. That book had a message for me and it was time to investigate.

Im still reading it, but I gained a valuable and relevant quote to share with you all. Maybe thats all I was supposed to get out of it. Im not sure. Either way, I got the tap on my shoulder and interpreted it as, Hey Kam. Time to pick up this book. Had I been completely fixated on the copy Id written prior to finding that book, this article might not have had as big of an impact. Moral to the story, stay flexible and chameleon-like. You never know when intuition will ask you to make a right instead of a left. That voice could save you from a traffic accident and it could also get you to where you need to be easier and more efficiently than you could on your own.


Theres only so much you can learn in one place. The more that you wait. The more time that you waste. Ahhh, that controversial genius Madonna. She is the perfect example of being chameleon-like. If shed gotten stuck in the same sound, same look, same accent, she never would have had the successful career thats spanned decades.

Ask yourself what youre willing to do to move forward. Are you willing to jump? What would it take for you to courageously leap forward? What action is necessary for you to live life by design instead of by default? To live out loud and passionately and on purpose? To BE present and trust that from moment to moment youll get there. As Peter N. Zarlenga said, Action conquers fear. What are you waiting for? Get busy!

Kammie Kobyleski has been having coaching conversations her whole life. After working in corporate communications, marketing, training & development, and higher education, Kammie made the shift into life & career coaching and consulting. Her lifes mission is helping people fall in love with life. The integration of mind, body, spirit and personal empowerment are Kammies passionate focus. For free resources, articles and information visit or for a complimentary 30 minute call, e-mail

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Essential Oils - Cajeput - An Oil Held in High Regard in the East

Cajeput (Melaleuca cajeputi) is in the myrtle family. The oil is one of the melaleuca trees that grow wild in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Java, Australia and southeastern Asia. The oil today comes from Australia where steam distillation is used on the fresh leaves and twigs. This is a tall evergreen tree that grows up to 98 feet in height. It has thick pointed leaves and white flowers. It uniquely has a flexible trunk with whitish, spongy bark that flakes off easily. Traditionally cajeput in the East is was used for colds, headaches, throat infections, toothache, sore and aching muscles, fever, rheumatism and various skin disease. It was used in the herbal tradition to produce a sensation of warmth and quickening of the pulse. Native peoples used it for chronic laryngitis and bronchitis, cystitis, rheumatism and to expel roundworms.

How Can We Benefit from Cajeput Essential Oil Today?

Today we observe cajeput to have antibacterial, antiparasitic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is used for throat, lung, and sinus infections, for urinary tract infections, coughs, and intestinal problems. Cajeput can be taken internally by diluting it 50-50 with a vegetable oil, it can be diluted 50-50 and applied on location, on the chakras/vita flex points, it can be directly inhaled, or diffused. Cajeput mixes well with wintergreen, eucalyptus radiata, juniper and peppermint. As for safety, cajeput is non-toxic, non-sensitizing but it may irritate the skin in high concentrations. Caution is advised to make sure you do not have synthetic cajeput since it may cause blistering and skin eruption.

Want to learn more about the healing properties of cajeput and other essential oils? Consider becoming a certified aromatherapist. Educational courses in healing energy and aromatherapy can help you understand how essential oils heal the body/mind/spirit. The Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy teaches courses throughout the United States on aromatherapy and energy healing.


By Going to my web site: and signing up for our free monthly newsletter, you can receive a free gift: 5 Monographs on Biblical Oils.

These oils include Frankincense, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Spikenard and Balsam Fir. While you are at our web site, check out our aromatherapy program and our program in Christian energy healing.

From Linda L. Smith, director of the Institute of Spiritual Ministry and Aromatherapy, Inc.

Placing Your Feng Shui House

If you are thinking where to locate your feng shui house and you are lucky enough to be able to choose the land to build it then you should apply the feng shui principles when selecting your block. If you haven't the luxury of choosing your own block don't despair there are ways with feng shui that provides alternatives to offset anything that may not fit feng shui principles of house siting.

The ideal fenq shui site is said to be where the descending heaven qi meets the ascending earth qi. There is no hard and fast rule about the perfect site but there are some general conditions you can look for. Generally, half way up a hil facing the sun is considered a good location for your feng shui house because you will have a distance view and you will get cool summer breezes and warm winter ones.

The best feng shui house location is called the xue (shu). It incorporates an open space in the front, called the "bright hall" or ming tan, with four mythical animals or spirits around it. A spirit called the red bird provides the distant front view. Another the black tortoise is the hill at the back which provides protection. On the left is situated the azure dragon with the white tiger on the right. Ideally you should have a stream flowing across the front of the feng shui house site as water is regarded as a source of food and method of transportation. It is also believed that the heaven qi descends down the hill and is held back by the water.

All the above provides a protective armchair shape that can be applied not only to your feng shui house site, but to the feng shui of a particular room, where the chairs are placed so the backs are protected and there is an open space in front of you or your garden. At the rear of your garden can plant protective trees if there isn't a hill. Being safe and secure is a large part of being happy.

The shape of your block of land plays an important part of the feng shui house. Symmetrical shapes are the best. An L shaped piece of land poses problems because it is incomplete and unbalanced. If this is the case you need to look at ways of balancing it.

A rectangular block of land that is wider at the northern and southern ends is considered to have the best shape for siting your feng shui house. If your block is not a true rectangle then it is better that the back be wider than the front. With feng Shui you will find there are several ways of balancing a block of land that is not an ideal feng shui shape. You should investigate the best ways for your particular block for your particular feng shui house.

Wilf Gerrard-Staton lives in Country Australia. Where he purchased land and built a house conforming to Feng shui principles. He now has created a blog that provides simple explanations to all aspects of Feng Shui. You can view his blog at

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wall Fountains Will Spice Up Your Home

Wall fountains are an exciting way to add spice to a rooms decor and enhance the beauty of your home. Indoor water fountains will transform a room into a relaxing oasis as it captures the magnificence of an outdoor waterfall. They are decorative works of art that add beauty and elegance to your home. Wall mounted fountains are great for small spaces, or to give a living area a sense of peace and cozy relaxation.

Indoor waterfalls will enhance any room in the most enchanting way by adding a visually eye catching focal piece. Glass wall fountains, particularly, are pleasing to the eye and the waterfall sounds make any room seem brighter. Glass is available in many styles including etched, smoked and mirrored. Glass and mirror fountains usually feature a frame made of stainless steel, copper or fiberglass.

Indoor wall mounted fountains allow water to gracefully cascade over a sheet of plastic, metal, or stone. You can also buy wall fountains that have a print of a tropical scene so that it looks as if the water is flowing over places where there would actually be water present in the picture.

Indoor fountains:

  • Come in a variety of materials and colors
  • Require no plumbing
  • Do not take too much floor space
  • Instantly add drama to a room
  • Are therapeutic and bring calmness to the room.

Water fountains are available in different forms, shapes and sizes and they are real space savers and do not take too much floor space. Indoor wall mounted fountains do not require any plumbing because they use recirculation pumps hidden in the water reservoir so they can be installed anywhere that an electric power source is available.

They instantly add drama to a room and give it a great ambience. Wall fountains are perhaps the most popular new kind of fountains and are increasingly becoming a staple feature of entryways, patios, decks and lobbies.

When choosing your elegant fountain, look at the style and impact of slate, pebble and glass wall mounted water fountains as well as other fine materials including Italian copper, natural slate and river stone. Many are lightweight resin which is better for some situations. Many have a cast stone finish which resembles antique statuary. Steel and glass fountains are sleek and blend in well with a minimalist theme. If your decor is opulent or boasts rich and sumptuous fabrics, granite fountains will fit in perfectly.

Indoor water fountains are also known for their ability to help act as air purifiers as well. This is because indoor fountains balance the energy around them by producing negative ions while creating a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Interior wall fountains are used in the art of Feng Shui to help focus a room around positive energy and the vitality of running water. Indoor water fountains are known for their healing and relaxing powers. Indoor water fountains have been bringing joy to people for years, much like the serenity of a natural waterfall, babbling brook, or a river right in your own home.

In todays fast-paced society, its no wonder that indoor wall fountains have increased in popularity.

Now emerging from the mist of a colorful and varied career, Ian Patterson was born early in is life somewhere in a long forgotten postal code. The mantra that he learned from his parents, while growing up on their farm was "if you want it done right, then do it yourself". That's just what he did.

Ian Patterson is someone who's been there, done that, printed the T shirt and wrote the book. A firefighter, soldier, yachtsman, skier, climber, mechanic, plumber, electrician, data technician, business continuity planner, and web writer are just some of the things he's been. He was a pescaterian before it was fashionable and is an avid animal lover and a longtime dog handler. He has travelled to most countries around the world. Set up home in three of them and learned their language and culture.

Now he is the founder and CEO of Write Research Office since 2004.

Traditional Food of Honduras

It is amazing that this great country of Honduras which is very poor can still produce some of the greatest tasting recipes. Some of the more traditional food of Honduras includes tortillas, fried beans, bananas or papayas, eggs and usually some type of veggie. It is known that in this country most of the traditional food of Honduras is grown right there so they do not have to import a lot of foods. Fruits, vegetables and meat are usually all butchered and homegrown for each family.

This country tends to take some of the recipes from Mexico and put their own Honduras twist on it, so if you like Mexican food and you are looking for something newer and healthier, then you may want to give some traditional food of Honduras a try. Because most of the food of this country is homegrown and not imported, using the freshest possible vegetables, fruits and other ingredients is very important and will make all the difference in taste. Organic is the way to go when it comes to preparing this type of authentic food.

The baleada is another traditional food of Honduras and is a staple in the country. Basically, a baleada is a flour tortilla which is folded in half and filled with refried beans and cheese and then topped with sour cream. In essence, this dish is what Americans call a quesadilla. A baleada is a great dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner it is all on how you prepare it. Many people will add roast meat (chicken or pork, red meat is not allowed in a lot of Honduran dishes) for dinner and scramble up some eggs to have in it for breakfast.

Naturally, these are not the only traditional food of Honduras, there are many soups that have made an appearance in this country and are a great way to start or end a meal. For instance, a great bean soup can compliment a dinner of tacos amazingly well, or if you are a person who enjoys seafood, the Honduran's have come up with a fantastic seafood soup that is a little bit spicy and sweet. Most of the soups, as a known fact are complimented by corn tortillas which you can dip into the soup.

So as you can see, some of the most traditional food of Honduras is fantastic, tastes great and is very healthy for you! Whether you are making this meal specifically for you or you are cooking for a big family, you will have a great time not only preparing this meal but also eating it! Just be sure that you have some water around, for a lot of the traditional food of Honduras is spicy!

To try out some traditional food of Honduras such as quesadillas, fried plantain, salsas, chismol, bronzed tilapia, conch soup, coconut bread and many, many more, check out these Honduran recipes.

Margaret Assor is an enthusiast of ethnic cookery and an advocate of boredom free kitchens. If you want to try out some of the exotic Honduran recipes, visit her website at

Friday, September 11, 2009

Choosing a Caterer

Here you are planning your wedding reception, and after the ceremony, it is the most important part of the day. You have never given a thought to how that appetizer got on that tray that was being passed by a server that was offered to you. To put you at ease, most people who need catering have never purchased catering before. Visualize what you both want for your reception. What do you see, how does the event look in your mind? This day is all about the two of you and should reflect your personalities.

Youre going to have an event, a special occasion where the memories will last a lifetime. Where is this going to be held? Should you have it at your familys home in the backyard? Can you see the tent with chandeliers hanging from the center, the linens draped to the floor, elegant centerpieces and your guest dining on a 7-course meal? Or should you hold your event at another location, possibly a beautiful room overlooking a lake? You may not even be sure. Your location can determine the style of service and the price. There are just as many style of catering as there are events.

The type of Catering you will need to consider is On-Premise or Off-Premise

What is Off Premise Catering?
Off-Premise catering is when the event is held at a location such as a banquet center, private home, historical sites, yacht clubs and other locations. The food is brought to the facility, as well as quite possibly the linen, china dishes, utensils and, well, everything if necessary. Sounds like a lot of work for you? Not at all! A professional catering company will arrange and take care of all the necessary items.

What is On-Premise Catering?
On Premise Catering is when the event is held at the caterers location. This could be a banquet facility, restaurant, or hotel. Everything is usually handled by the caterer and you certainly can work with the caterer to personalize your event by bringing in your own type of music, dcor and other services. The caterer should have a list of recommended vendors if you are not sure where to start. Once that is in place you can just show up and have a good time!

Selecting the Caterer
You dont do this for a living and it can be overwhelming, time consuming just trying to sort everything that is out there. A professional caterer understands this and will help guide you to making the right decision and choices for your special occasion. They are there to make your event memorable and stress-free as possible. To serve you better, a professional caterer can coordinate all the necessary items that are needed to host the event, linen, china, music, floral dcor, alcoholic beverages, cappuccino bars and more.

Use an established caterer, a company who has proven they are reliable and professional. They will have a staff that is experienced; a proven track record of past events it will be higher to keep up with their recognized reputation and standards that their customers expect.

Many newer catering companies will be learning as they go, and you should be willing to risk the increase likelihood of problem(s) in exchange for a lesser price.

Most importantly, make sure the caterer you hire is licensed and insured for your piece of mind and protection.

Whatever your needs are, simple to elegant, let a catering professional guide you in planning your next event.

Valerie Vollmer has been an off premise caterer for over 20 years. Is one of only 175 CPCE (Certified Professional Catering Executives) in the US. National Association of Catering Executives - 2nd National Vice President

Creating Prosperity, Energy, Health and Fame As Well As Much, Much More Using Feng Shui - Part 3

Fire Element: Sitting direction is South and the best shape would be a triangle. The best colors would be green and/or red. The worst colors to use here would be yellow, blue or black.

Water Element: Sitting direction is North and the best shape would be circular or what is called modular. (The best way I can describe this shape is imagining it like waves.) The best dominating colors would be black, blue or white. The worst colors to use here would be green or yellow.

Earth Element: Sitting direction is Southwest or Northeast and the best shape for this building would be a square. Keep in mind that rectangular shapes also work well. The best colors would be red or yellow. The worst colors to use would be green or white.

Wood Element: Sitting direction is East or Southeast and the rectangle is the best shape here. The dominating colors are blue or green. The worst colors to use would be red or white.

Metal Element: Sitting direction is west or Northwest and the circular shape is the better one but please note that a rectangle shape would work as well. The best colors are white or yellow. The worst colors to use are red, blue or black.

Do you know how to come up with the sitting direction of the building? So much to learn! Find the main entry way to the building then grab your compass and find the facing direction of the building. The opposite of the facing direction is the sitting direction so if you are facing north, the sitting direction would be south.

Why not take advantage of all the ways attainable by you to learn all you can about how to improve your prosperity?

Veronica Zambrano

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Feng Shui Kitchens

A Feng Shui kitchen is a very important part of a harmonious home. In Feng Shui, each room is associated with certain areas of one's life. The kitchen is representative of prosperity in life. It is also representative of nourishment and health of the body and soul. Both prosperity and nourishment can easily be seen as coming from the kitchen. After all, food is stored and made in the kitchen and food gives us energy, strength, and fulfillment. If you are building a new building or applying Feng Shui principles to an existing one, the kitchen is an important place to pay attention to.

When building a new structure, you have the convenience of placing the kitchen in your desired location. If you are going with Feng Shui principles, it is best to put the kitchen in the back of the structure. This is important because many eating and health problems can stem from the kitchen being at the front of the home or building. This is worse if your kitchen is visible from the front door. If this is the case, you and your family will likely suffer from overeating because the kitchen is such a focal point.

If you are working with an existing structure and are unable to do major renovations, you may have your kitchen at the entry. Though this is not ideal, there are some easy steps you can take to counteract the negative energy. If the kitchen does not have a door, you can add a door or create the illusion of a door. Decorative drapes or sheer curtains can be hung in the entryway to block the negative energy. If you would prefer, beaded curtains or bamboo shades can also be appealing and have the same affect. Either way, covering the kitchen in some way helps better achieve a Feng Shui kitchen.

As far as the interior of the kitchen goes, it is important for the stove to face to entryway into the kitchen. This is important to ward away uneasiness which can cause negative Chi to flow into the kitchen. Because the kitchen is so important in Feng Shui this can be very bad for the inhabitants of the home. Unfortunately, it is popular in modern design to have the stove face the wall. If this is true for your kitchen, you can place something reflective over the stove. A mirror or a reflective piece of metal will let the chef see whats coming, warding off uneasy feelings.

Once you have applied Feng Shui principles to your kitchen, you will be in awe at the difference it can make for you and your family.

For more information on Feng Shui and Feng Shui Products, visit

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Energy and Life Work Effectiveness - What Are the Factors That Matter?

In a recent survey with working woman from all over the world I wanted tofind outhowtheyare able tomaintaina healthy levelofemotional, physical and spiritual energywhile living and working in an environmentof constant exposure toever increasing demandsfor speedand an ever increasing flow and exchange ofinformation?

The results are varied,interesting and speak for themselves.

Question 1: At what age did you experience the highest level of effectiveness both in life and work?

35 to 40

Question 2: At what age did you for the first time become aware of a lack of energy?

20 to 30

Question 3: Describe how do you recharge your energies?


2ndExercises in form of walking, swimming

3rdRelaxation, music, retreat

4thReading inspirational books, positive thinking

5thFamily and friends

Question 4: Think of the last time you felt your energy being drained. In which areas did it happen? What was the trigger?



Colleagues/friends 52%


Question 5: In which area do you possess a higher energy capacity?

Mental 73%

Physical 26.1%

Question 6: At what age did you start to practice self-care on a regular basis?

Between the age of 30 to 35

Question 7: How much time do you currently spend onwhat type of self-care/exercises, etc. on a regular basis?

Average time for self-care per day: 1-2 hours

Highest score:Walking

2ndSwimming, biking, yoga, meditation


4thPositive affirmations, reading, planning, alone time

Question 8: Imagine that at the age of 45 you have already sufficient savings for a comfortable retirement. Would you prefer to -

A) continue working full time in the same job until the retirement age of (for example) 65, or

B) work at a reduced rate in your current career and spend more quality time with your loved ones now, or

C) re-fire and change careers and do what you had always been dreaming of doing on a full-time basis, or

D) re-fire and change career and work on a part-time basis

The answers were:

A) Work full-time until retirement age 0%

B) Work at reduced rate in current job 17.4%

C) Re-fire full-time in dream career21.7%

D) Re-fire part-time in dream career 60.9%

Question 9: In which are(s) of your lifewould you love to achieve a higher degree of joy and satisfaction right now?

Highest score:Relationships

2nd Self


4th Leisure


90% of the participants selectedthree and more areas where they wish to benefit from a higher degree of joy and satisfaction!

It is also clear that there is no magic formula that works for all. You need to define and create - for yourself and nobody else - your personalformulafora well-balanced life. You are the master of your life, and it's all up to you.

Let'slook atthe three basicfactors that influenceour emotional, physical and spiritual well-being:

The Emotional factor - only the wholesome approach works

Emotional harmony is an essential element in health. Mind and body are connected, and what affects one part will eventually affect the other. Your health practices (exercises, adequate sleep, the nutrition you take), positive and negative emotions - all these influence your energy levels and your life work effectiveness.

The physical factor - make your well-being prioritynumber ONEin your life

Well-being and good health are totally personal to everyone. You will want to create a personalized self-care program that serves your needs and fits into your lifestyle. Once you have successfully integrated self-care in your daily routine, you will soon experience lower stress, higher energy and increased effectiveness in all areas of your life.

The spiritual factor - keep living in balance, purpose and joy

What resonates with your heart and inspires your soul? Focus on what works for you. You are a unique and special person and you deserve to live your best life! What leisure activity do you enjoy? Remember, in the game of life, emotional and physical health is wealth, and lifeis about thriving and not just surviving.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me.

About the Author, Ursula Goh, Life and Career Change Coach:


Providing professional coaching with a holistic approach that centers around you as a unique individual and as a whole person with your life in context, I will help you rediscover that central connection with who you really are.

I have helped my clients learn to expand their vision, take the action that resonates with their heart and create meaningful changes in life and career, so they could spend more time doing the things they are passionate about, and live and work with greater purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

Based in Switzerland, I offer one-on-one coaching to clients across the globe. Languages - English and German. For further details and to get started with a complementary introductory coaching session please visit or contact me at

Stair Lighting Problems

Walking up and down the stairs in the dark could become a safety issue. If the stairs in the house are not that old, there should be a light switch at the top and a light switch at the bottom of the stairway. This is a three way switch and is designed to allow you to turn the stair lighting on as you walk up the stairs and then turn the stair lighting off, once you've safely reached the top of the stairway. And vice versa as she walked down the stairs.

If you don't have a light switch, there are motion sensor lights that are battery operated and can be installed easily in the stairway. These lights can provide you with peace of mind, while protecting your family from accidents.

Stairway accidents are nothing to joke about, I lived in a two-story house with four other people and was the last one to fall down the stairway. None of us got seriously injured and the stairway was built to meet local building codes and was inspected by a building and safety inspector. The stairs were built correctly and the stair lighting was no problem, but people still fell down the stairway and it always happens in the evening.

During the day time there were two windows that let plenty of light into the stairway and in the evening the stairway became quite dark, rarely was the stair lightning ever turned on. This could have been outright laziness but nevertheless, it was rarely used and eventually became a safety issue.

Lighting your stairway might not end all of your problems but it can and some of your problems. There are plenty of stair lighting systems available on the market today and some of the battery operated stair lighting systems can be installed by most homeowners.

Think safety always and do your best to solve your stair lighting problems as soon as possible to prevent injuries or accidents.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more building stairs or home building ideas.

Will All Men Ever Hate Jesus

Use A Dream Dictionary With Personal Reflection

A dream dictionary may seem overwhelming at first but the key to understanding how to use a dream dictionary is to use a little self evaluation along with the dream dictionary. Some details of your dream may have multiple meanings according to your dream dictionary. When this occurs it is necessary to do an internal examination to determine which definition is more applicable. It is through reflecting on your life and really thinking about your past as well as your current circumstances that it may become obvious which definition in the dream dictionary is more likely to be worthwhile in interpreting your dream.

A dream dictionary can often have the effect of causing the person using the dream dictionary to interpret their dreams to begin to reflect on their lives and on what is happening that can be causing these dreams. When this happens the dream dictionary is useful in not only explaining the meaning of a dream that may have been troubling but also in helping the person to deal with circumstances in their life that may be causing them concern. When you use a dream dictionary in this way, it is important to realize that just because the dream may contain certain symbols, it is only when combined with a little reflection that the person gains insight into their subconscious.

Todd runs the Dream Interpretations Guide website where you can find a large free online dream dictionary. Check it out today at:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Inerrancy of the Bible - Are There Mistakes in the Bible

What does the word inerrancy main? Inerrancy would refer to text that is accurate and totally free of any errors or without any mistakes. Does this sound like any book that you have ever read or have knowledge of. Maybe there is a one sentence book that could fall into this category.

Most books however and even this article has mistakes. If I made a decision to base my life, my entire life and that of my children and grandchildren, I would want to make sure that it was accurate as possible.

Is the Bible, 100%, 90%, or even 50% accurate. Are these stories that were written by people many years ago and the lessons have been helpful but now need to be rewritten.

Does the Bible actually contain the will of God? Some scholars believe that certain sections of the Bible meet this criteria while others do not. How can these people judge if they are not God and how can we believe in this stuff is not true.

If the Bible was inspired by God but written by men, this could actually mean that God had complete control over writing the Bible or does this mean that the man wrote the Bible with gods inspiration. I'm inspired by God daily and often write about it, but don't seem to have enough followers to make it into the biblical Hall of Fame. I'm writing with inspired beliefs right now.

If there are errors in the Bible, how extensive or how many errors are there actually. There are actual stories that can be documented as historical facts. This doesn't mean the rest of the Bible is factual, nor does it mean it is historically inaccurate.

The Bible has some errors in it and some facts that we can prove but leaves us with the question, is this a book from the Creator of the universe or a book written by men, to make us believe, it was written by God and if so why are we still believe being in it. Why do some people read this book and other religious text daily? What motivates them to read holy Scripture regularly but doesn't seem to allow them enough time to find out if they are reading accurate information.

The biggest problem I have with the inerrancy of the Bible is the fact that most people tend to ignore certain truths and cling to their childhood beliefs about religion. If this is not the way or the truth, I would want to start looking for it, instead of following someone else's dreams or religious doctrine.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion. Religious Education And Fear

Ask And You Might Receive Or Ask

How To Get What You Want In Life

Most high achieving men and women are intensely goal-oriented. While most under-achieving men and women have poorly defined goals, if they have any goals at all. This is one of the main reasons why the majority of people suffer from the frustration of feeling that they are accomplishing very little in life.

The ability to set goals and make plans for their accomplishment is the master skill of success. It is the single most important skill that you can learn and perfect. Goal-setting will do more to help you achieve the things you want in life than anything else you can do.

Becoming an expert at goal-setting and goal-achieving is something that you absolutely must do if you want to reach your full potential as a human being. Goals enable you to do the work you want to do, to live where you want to live, to be with the people you enjoy, and to become the kind of person you want to become.

When you develop the habit of setting clear and realistic goals there is no limit to the financial rewards you can obtain. All you have to do is to set a specific goal for financial success your desire, make a plan, and then work the plan until you achieve it.

The payoff for setting goals and making plans is being able to choose the kind of life you want to live. With this being said, its amazing that so few people set goals. Over the past 50 years many organizations and educational institutions have conducted studies on goal-setting. Virtually every study has shown the same startling results. On average, only 3 percent of Americans have written goals and less than 1 percent review and rewrite their goals on a daily basis.

With all of this evidence showing what a person can achieve by setting goals. Why is that so few people actually do it? Over the past 25 years I have consulted with and spoken to thousands of men and women about goal setting, and I have found that there are five common reasons why people dont set goals:

The first reason Ive found that people dont set goals, is that they feel theyve done well without setting goals. If its not broken, why fix it?

Given the power of goals to transform lives, Im always astonished how often I hear this from people. Its easy to be satisfied if youve never set goals. Its convenient to say that everything is fine if you dont know where youre going. You can always say that any destination you arrive at is OK.

The second reason I most often hear from people, is that they do have goals, they just keep them in their head. Most people believe in the fewest motions possible to get things done.

A person who thinks this way, does not have goals. They have wishes, desires, hopes, and dreams. Dreams come to all of us as we go about our daily business. Wishes drift in and out of our conscious thoughts. We think of new interests wed like to pursue, changes wed like to make, and great things wed like to achieve, someday. Were pretty sure we have the ability, and fully intend to do all those things sometime in the future.

The ludicrous nature of this way of thinking is that unless those vague intentions are translated into specific goals, they will drift into that never-never land called Might Have Been, and they will take your life with them.

Unfortunately, this is precisely the way most people conduct their lives. They claim they have goals when they do not. Until dreams are translated into specific goals, thay rarely become a reality, and even if they do, the person is denied the deep satisfaction that would have come from translating his or her dream into a specific goal and achieving it.

The third reason I find that people dont set goals is that theyre afraid of failing. The person feels that without goals, he or she doesnt have to worry about failing.

The problem with this way of thinking is that it goes against the foundation of life itself: you cant be born without risk. Youre only kidding yourself if you think you can live without risk, no matter how carefully you tend to the financial, physical, and emotional aspects of your life. There are always risks in everything you do and setting goals involves risk.

You may succeed. But you may also fail. If you fail, then what? Risk taking is part of the process of growth. So is failure. You must be willing to risk failure again and again if you want to be in the company of the worlds most successful men and women.

Make a friend of failure. Use it as a valuable learning experience, a great motivator, and a necessary step on the road to success. At one point or another in their lives, some of the worlds most successful people have been miserable failures. Winston Churchill once said, I would rather fail my way to success than be a successful failure.

The fourth reason I find that people dont set goals, is that they feel that by setting goals and achieving them, they will be expected to live up to their goals in the future. After achieving a goal where is their motivation going to come from to move on from that point?

This train of thought is even more ludicrous than the first three, because you become more motivated as you approach a goal. When you achieve a goal, you will want to try a more demanding one. Nothing approaches the motivating power that comes from systematically setting and achieving your own demanding goals.

The fifth reason I have found why people dont set goals, is that they only set goals when theres a need. I always hear things like, I set goals when I have a major project at work, or when I want a larger house, or a new car.

People with this type of thinking need to understand that goal setting is not an occasional need. It is a process that transforms lives and that mastering this process of setting and achieving goals is at the heart of life itself. If you dont act intentionally, with purpose, you will be condemned to a life of mediocrity, in which anything meaningful occurs only accidentally.

I have given the most common reasons why most people dont set goals, now lets talk about criteria for effective goals that turn dreams into satisfying reality.

1. They must have a definite purpose. Why do you want to achieve the goal?

2. They must written and rewritten every day.

3. They must be measurable.

4. They must be visible in a place where you can see them everyday.

5. They must have deadlines. A goal without a deadline is simply a wish.

6. They must be realistic and achievable.

7. They must be demanding.

8. Goals must be flexible. You will often have to make changes to achieve your goal.

Effective goals will keep you very focused. Nothing will get in your way. Effective goals will liberate you rather than shackle you. They will improve the quality of your life. Effective goals will give your life balance, they will motivate you, they will challenge you, and they will allow you to live your dreams. Without goals, you can only dream your dreams.

Copyright2006 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. He is the founder and CEO of JLM & Associates, a consulting and training organization, specializing in personal and business development. Through his seminars and lectures, Joe Love addresses thousands of men and women each year, including the executives and staffs of many of Americas largest corporations, on the subjects of leadership, self-esteem, goals, achievement, and success psychology.

Reach Joe at:

Read more articles and newsletters at:

Dog Creates Remodeling Nightmare

How many homeowners normally leave their dog in the backyard or they have full time access to the backyard through a doggie door. You're probably wondering how can a little dog create a remodeling nightmare for any contractor.

This wasn't the case this dog was a large Labrador retriever and tore up everything in the backyard constantly. The house remodel we were working on was a two story room addition over a single story house. This job lasted around six months and the dog was a daily reminder of how much attention a large dog actually needs.

Let's start with the first item of value the dog actually destroyed. It was my favorite tool bags of course that I have taken care of for over five years and deeply appreciated the fact that they were broke in just the way I wanted them to be. Kind of like a baseball mitt that doesn't quite fit right because of how stiff it is until you break it in.

While the homeowner of course apologized and never even offered to replace them. Oh but after that he did mention never to leave anything lying around in the backyard. Lesson learned of course and never forgotten. Well to make a long story short this large dog could chew up tools, lumber, plumbing pipes, electrical wire and was even able to destroyed the plywood fencing we would use to keep him away.

I'm going to stop right there with the remodeling nightmare created from this dog in hopes that other contractors can learn from my valuable lesson. As a contractor you should never assume that a homeowner will replace any damaged or broken tools and materials.

As a homeowner with a dog reading this article, think about having a place to enclose the dog if necessary while remodeling work is done on your home.

I love being around dogs and other animals but sometimes a problem like this can make life extremely miserable for both parties.

Greg Vanden Berge has been building and remodeling for over 30 years and his information has proven valuable to most contractors and homeowners all over the world. He usually tries to write at least two articles a day on home improvement or remodeling problems.

Greg is in the process right now of working on a home inspection website that will revolutionize the home inspection business. He is also working on a book to help homeowners and contractors as well as other home related professions in dealing with the home inspection process.

You can visit the home inspection website currently under construction at Home Inspection Help

Personal Development

Learning to Create the Life of Your Dreams With - BEing the Titus Concept, by Al Diaz

The world is full of self-help books that tell us we need help, and where we've messed-up our lives, and what we should do to fix them; but "BEing The Titus Concept," by Al Diaz, isn't another one of those. Having read hundreds of self-help and personal development books, I came to the conclusion that life is supposed to be simple; and so are the fixes to common, everyday problems. In fact, I didn't really realize exactly how right I was, or exactly how simple life could be, until I finished reading, "BEing The Titus Concept!"

In this book, Al Diaz adeptly guides all of us, regardless of our various levels of "spiritual maturity," or "spiritual development," into a place of deep understanding and abiding love for our Source - The Source of All Creation. With gentle reminders of the wisdom you already possess, and simple exercises to help unlock powerful, but hidden and untapped, resources within each of us, "BEing The Titus Principle" is tantamount to a "spiritual GPS" device - accelerating your progress down the path of self-discovery and self-realization.

I read this book in my spare time over the course of two-days - hardly a major investment in time - and found it easy, and even fun, to read. After reading the first fifteen-pages, I was already incorporating some of Al's principles and awareness into my own practice with The Belief Formula - amplifying what I feel is the most important variable in the process of creation: the Power of Love, Acceptance, and Gratitude. This book could have easily been named, "The Techniques of the Masters of Life," or, "The Gracefully Simple Way To Make Your Life Graceful and Simple;" because this book provides just that - simple, easy-to-understand, step-by-step guidance to understanding our power and role as co-creators of our own experience.

With the techniques, methods, and concepts contained within this book, we can all become masters of our own experience and creators of our own destinies. "BEing The Titus Concept," for that reason alone, is a definite must-read, and a powerful and valuable addition to the library of any spiritual student or aspirant!

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams. Visit Pete's blog and download your Free Illustrated Guide To Self-Empowerment With EFT, at:

Visit for more information about this wonderful book and find out about the FREE GIFT you will receive for purchasing BEing The Titus Concept on Amazon during its Official Launch on December 5th, 2008.

Dangers Using Wood Stair Cleats - New Stair Construction

I would imagine most people don't even know what it wood stair cleat is, in construction we have so many words that describe the same thing. A stair cleat is another word for a thread bracket. In other words it's the part of the stairway that connects the stair stringer to the stair step. These have been used for years and over time, most of them will develop the same problem.

Most wood stair cleats loosened up and create a safety hazard. If the stairs are located outside in extreme weather conditions, for example, if it rains or snows a lot, extremely humid humid weather, or extremely hot and dry temperatures, your staircase might not last that long, if it is or isn't maintained properly. It's not a bad idea to use steel or concrete for stairways in these climates.

If you're ever walking up a set of stairs with wood cleats and the stair steps feel a little loose or wiggly, make sure you examined the stair cleats for safety. It's not uncommon for someone to be walking up or down a set of wood stairs and having the stair step or tread giveaway because the wood cleats has loosened.

If the wood stair cleats are nailed to the stair stringer, the nails can loosen up, causing it to become loose, as you walk up and down the stairs applying pressure to the stair cleat, this will create movement in between the stair step and the stair stringer. This could cause the cleat to crack, break and separate the connection between the stair step in the stair stringer.

I would suggest using metal brackets instead of wood cleats. The metal brackets will not crack or disintegrate like some wood cleats. Stair building brackets of course can loosen up and should be maintained regularly.

If you decide to use wood stair cleats, I would suggest using screws instead of nails and drilling holes in the wood stair cleats, most of the time this will prevent cracking the cleat. Try to use a thicker material for the stair cleat, for example using a 2 x 4 with lag screws and washers would be better than using a 1 x 4 with nails.

If you're walking up a set of stairs and a stair step feels loose, contact the owner of the property and let them know, they have a problem with their staircase.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more stair building books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

If I Hate My Brother

The Bio-Neurobiology Of The Self

Like always My eyes see, my ears listen, my nose smells, my fingers touch and I cannot help cognizing and ask questions of my everyday experiences and experiences of others that reach me through one of my senses, some of them or all. So like then now it is my eye that caught some written material and threw my selfish self in to examining them in an effort to may be understand more than anything my selfish self. As I read through the material I thought if I could only understand my selfish self and be able to see it from outside of it and from a neutral vantage point what else would there be that I won't master at all. Nonetheless wherever I went and whatever I did and am able to do got me always wrapped up in my selfish self and it more and more proved to me that it is all there is in whatever ways and how it was said and done.

""The most obvious thing about you is yourself." "You look down at your body and know it is yours"." Todd Heatherton. I thought of the statement and wanted to be certain of my knowledge of myself and wished if the self within me was only the physical self and wanted so bad to fully comprehend it and master it if I may and be certain of my knowledge, but hard reality hit me so hard that it was not meant to be. It turned out that the self was much more than the macroscopic physical. It also has what is called the spiritual psychological and more aspects to it. The certainty of the self by the self simply dissipates in to the thin air as I try to examine it even further and the self assurance about the knowledge of the self appealed to me as somewhat far fetched. The day to day discoveries and the new lights that are being shed about the inner and outer workings of our self tells a story of even more unknowns and what we know of our self is barely a scratch on the surface of a very large stack yet to be known and ever.

"When you wake up in the morning, you don't have to interrogate yourself for a long time about who you are." Todd Heatherton. The statement makes it as though we have never had a question or a doubt about who we are and why we are , but the fact remains that the overwhelming part of out every day activities are related and are about finding our self, making our self, changing our self sustaining our self and maintaining our self, all in all whether we say it in a single sentence or thousand paragraphs, whether we ask it directly or not the selfish self often and always takes precedence and primacy. In our daily all encompassing and comprehensive activities, actions, reactions, Cognitions and recognitions we do define and redefine ourselves and I am afraid if we are so sure of why we do so with certainty. If there is anything certain that we have asked enough times who we are and why we are, where we came from and where we want to go and are going, these are questions that are in every ones head without being framed may be in an elitist word framing. And what everyone does revolves around the same issues with varying probability of knowing the answers, but with certain truth of never certainty. Even the questions we ask of others come around often as question about our self and we can't escape the fact that it is all about the selfish self. It often is about acquisition of knowledge, material, position, notoriety or something of value here or in the hereafter. The complete knowledge of the self is the ultimate and as such remains always less than certain.

As we go through life every day we wake up, I feel like, what we do is interrogate our selves of who we are, how our poison has changed and how to best react to it contrary to the statement quoted, in all and many things we do, think and imagine. Indeed we have the greatest interest in ourselves and interest is dependent on the degree of exposure to the subject of interest, and the self more than anything else is exposed to the self itself. May be the root of selfishness lies in the exposure of the self to the self more than the not self and there is no way of exposing the not self to the self more the self itself to the self, thus instilling the selfishness permanently in the self and may be a falls sense of complete self awareness as well. "" Heatherton himself shied away from direct study of it for years, even though-"My interests were around the self but not around the philosophical issues of what is the self."

Things have changed today, Today Heatherton, along with a growing number of scientists, is tackling the question head on, seeking to figure out how the self emerges from the brain. In the past few years, they have begun to identify certain brain activities that may be essential for producing different aspects of self awareness. They are now trying to determine how these activities give rise to the unified feeling we each have of being a single entity. This research is yielding clues to how the self evolved in our hominid ancestors. It may even help scientists treat Alzheimer's disease and other disorders that erode the knowledge of the self and in some cases destroy it altogether." It is rather the philosophical self that interested me the most than the mechanical descript self, not that I understood it but I am intrigued by it. It raises questions more than I could speculate and ask of the readers of this article and knowledgeable people if I may and pose them directly. Is the self a collection of memories? Cognitive and reactive process?, Will the self cease to exist when the mind (brain )ceases?, When the subjective self (mind or brain, or consciousness and memory) ceases will the objective self turn in to an automaton and mechanical being?, Are other animals, plants and inanimate that go through motion purposeful, intentional, disciplined, ordered and unique motion self aware?, If not why not?, When the self that is self aware ceases will the self that is not self aware remain? Is the objective self a reality of the subjective self or is it the subjective self the reality of the objective self? Or does the objective self exist independently of the subjective self and the vice versa? Is the subjective self the extension of the objective self or is it the objective self the extension of the subjective self?

As a matter of everyday practice it seems the subjective self to act as its sole purpose and intent to protect, preserve, sustain and propagate the objective self. If subjective reasoning alone were enough to answer it all, I would have had mine, but reason fails short and reality often times defy reason and it is often reality that has to be reasoned than reason define reality, therefore a dose of objective reality may be is in order and in time for a comprehensive understanding of the issues raised and points reiterated. " Further clues have emerged from injuries that affect some of the brain rejoins involved in the self .Gage, a 19th century railroad construction foreman who was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time when a dynamite blast sent a tamping iron through the air. It passed through Gage's head, and yet, astonishingly, Gage survived. Gages friends though noticed something had changed. Before the accident he had been considered an efficient worker and shrewd businessman. Afterward he became profane, showed little respect for others and had a hard time settling plans for the future. His friends he was "no longer Gage." Cases like Gage's showed that the self is not the same as consciousness. People can have an impaired sense of themselves without being unconscious." As is indicated by the awareness of the amnesiac of all things about him it rather seems as though the self is a physiological and psychological construct of information that precedes it. As such as long as the physical construct of this precedent information is intact the self will retain its self awareness which is ingrained in its genes. This self awareness which is to serve in the fulfillment of the selfish needs of the self necessitates the awareness of the environment in which the self finds itself in. it is therefore this secondary awareness that is to be called consciousness. It is an awareness the helps the self act and react in ways and times that its interest are best served by. As every existence is a relativistic phenomenon, it would rather make the complication easier to understand if we have to conclusively argue whether the self is absolute relative to the not sell or the self is yet a relative reality to the not self. If we claim the self is an absolute reality then the self exists independently of consciousness and if we claim the other way around then the self ceases upon cessation of consciousness. As indicated in the article , the retention of the information about the self while all memory is wiped out by amnesia seems to attest to the fact that the self does not exist because X or Y existed, but because of the information upon which it was constructed that determined its intent, shape, color, purpose and destiny and consciousness helped best accomplish these predeterminations in an environmental constraints.

"At the university college of London, researchers have been using brain scans to decipher how we become aware of our own bodies." This is the very basic law-level first point of the self "UCLA's Sara Jayne Blakemore says. When our brains issue a command to move a part of our bodies, two signals are sent. One goes to the brain region that control the particular parts of the body that need to move, and the other goes to the region that monitor the movement. Our brains then use this copy to predict what kind of sensation the action will produce. If the actual sensation we receive does not closely match our prediction, our brains become aware of the difference. But if the sensation does not match our prediction at all, our brains interpret them as being caused by something other than ourselves. Blakemore and her colleagues documented this shift by scanning the brains of subjects they had hypnotized. When the researchers told the subjects their arms were being lifted by a rope and pulley, the subjects lifted their arms. But their brains responded as if someone else were lifting their arms, not themselves." As untenable as it seems it rather is a fact that the objective self is existent independently of the subjective self (the mind) but too mechanically. The subjective self does not only interpret coordinate and give meaning to the environment the objective self is in but also gives the essence of the self itself in relation to everything and anything within its environmental constraints and how it reacts to and interacts with the elements of its environment. The brain that generates the subjective self seems rather an information in, information processing and information out center that where when and how it gets its imputes determine how it will react and what it puts out when it puts out what it does as its purpose and duty.

"Heatherton and his colleagues at Dartmouth have been using the technology to probe the mystery of why people remember information about themselves better than details about other people. They imaged the brains of volunteers who viewed a series of adjectives. In some cases, the researchers asked the subjects whether a word applied to the subjects themselves. In others, they asked if a word applied to George W.Bush. In still other cases, they asked simply whether the word was shown in uppercase letters. They found that questions about the self activated some regions of the brain that questions about someone else did not their results bolstered the "self is special" hypothesis over "the self is familiar" view." The special self and the familiar self are separate and in essence and are intertwined in purpose.

While the special self is the information upon which the physical self and the psychological self is constructed on, the familiar self to me is the conscious self that determines the position of the special self in relation to its environment and helps act in the best interest of the special self. There is no time or space separation between the self and the information about the self. The information about anything else is separated from the self by distance and time. The self is constantly accumulating and accessing information about itself. The self and about the self are intertwined and inseparable unlike the self and about the not self. Information may be filled separately and in categories, yet the fire about the self may be the most important and may be the most significant of them all. "When we are in new circumstances, our sense of our self depends on thinking explicitly about our experiences. Soccer players know whether they are athletic, strong or swift without having to consult their memories." It is rather indicative of the fact that the special self is very much dependent on its consciousness of the environment it find itself in to react in ways and manners its interests are best met. When the self knows and knows well and is familiar with the environment it finds itself in, thinking becomes un necessary, logical construction becomes redundant and the facts become self evident. "The primate ancestors of humans probably had the basic bodily self awareness that is studied by Blakemore and her associates." I wondered if at all there is any living thing that is not self aware. How is this awareness expressed other than being active in the self preservation and primacy of the self? All living things are self reproductive, self preservative and self protective and knows its relative position in its environment and acts and reacts in ways and manners it is able to survive and thrive; what possibly be the so called self awareness if not all these and more? "The self requires time to develop fully. Psychologists have long recognized that it takes a while for children to acquire a stable sense of who they are. "They have conflicts in their self-concepts that don't bother them at all."Lieberman comments. "little kids don't try to tell themselves, 'I' am still the same person.' They just don't seem to connect up the little pieces of the self-concept."" If I am spared of the possible label of someone playing in semantics and engaged in hair splitting I would like to not that there is nothing at all that had happened happens and will happen in no time and in no stages. Even instantaneity is a relative short period. I cannot agree any less that self awareness takes time while the self is a physical construct of the information that preceded it, it does not only predate self awareness, but is there from the initial date of its complete construction when ever that may be. It seems the self goes through stages of cognition of its environment, compilation of the facts of its environment, understanding of its environment, determining the self's position in the environment and acting in the best interest of the self within the environmental constraints.

While the last two of the process described are attributable to self awareness the former four stages are only precursors to self awareness. May be children's conflict of self concept that don't bother them are indicative of the developmental stage to self awareness than it is physiological (biological) (self) developmental stage. The self awareness of the self goes way passed the developmental stages of the brain to the very origin of life itself as a product of self awareness .As it is attested to and proved over and again programs of self propulsion, development, reproduction and ability to choose are ingrained in the fundamental elements of life precedent cellular construction. It poses a dynamism where change in quantity and quality in time and space are among the prevalent character threats. As stated by Robert Shapiro's " A simpler Origin for Life" Scientific American June , 2007 " Muller's Remarks would be in accord with what has been called the NASA definition : Life is a self sustained chemical system capable of undergoing Darwinian evolution" I as a lay person wouldn't have agreed less except for the two things I need to elaborate or needed be elaborated by some who are more able than I. It is the convergence of among the chemical, mechanical, electrical and even gravitational self sustenance as we prove in to the very fundamentals existence and succumb to simply in to being a product of change in space in time following or governed by a precedent information. As it is guided and goes through self sustaining change in time in space gathers information that helps it undergo Darwinian evolution in effect Darwinian evolution is cumulative information gathered to help self sustenance in time and space.

Finding Homes Using the Internet - Home Shopping

You can simply type the words real estate or homebuying into any search engine on the World Wide Web and you will come up with hundreds, maybe even thousands of websites that are extremely helpful and full of great information. Like the one you're on right now.

Finding homes with the internet, combined with a skilled real estate salesperson, provides you with the most effective technology available today. Most websites start out, having you select a state you would like to search in and then, select a city, with your price range.

By answering their questions, this narrows the search down to all of the homes available in the area. The internet has made home shopping very simple. Considering what you had to go through in the 1970s. You found a realtor or by looking in the yellow pages, sometimes you found a good realtor and if you are lucky, maybe you would find you a good home.

Most of the time, the first homes you would look at, were owned by the real estate professional you were working with.

There are however a couple of problems with using the internet to find your dream home. Some of the verbage used and photographs taken can create a wonderful illusion of a tropical paradise but the reality, it's a regular home in a decent neighborhood.

Some of these photos are taken by skilled photographers who take advantage of every angle and tend to give an illusion of grander. When you actually start driving around and looking at these homes, only then will you get a reality check, of what the home actually looks like. You'll get used to it.

After you've looked at a few of your future dream homes, you will get a better idea of what I'm talking about with these wonderful pictures and the extraordinary home descriptions like "Beautiful Three Bedroom House with an Ocean View." When reality it's a two-bedroom house with an extra closet for the third bedroom and the ocean is 45 miles away, but you can see it on a clear day if you actually climb to the top of the largest tree on the property.

Take your time when searching for your dream home and don't let any one push you into making a decision if you're not ready. If you find your real estate professional a little too aggressive or pushy, get out of your contract, if you've signed one and find another, more helpful real estate salesperson to help you with your home purchase.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Find other real estate tips and great advice, from another one of the Internet's best website creators.

If I Hate My Brother

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Does Inner Peace Frighten You?

Does inner peace frighten you? Do you feel more at home, while being nervous, anxious or restless? Do you feel that you will lose something if become more calm and relaxed?

A certain well-known TV celebrity once said in an interview, that though he is aware of the value inner peace, he doesnt want it. He was certain that it will make his life boring and uninteresting, without fun and excitement. This shows lack of understanding of what inner peace is.

What do you think about inner peace? What do you think it can do to your life? Will you become passive and indifferent? Will it make you unpractical and unable to handle your daily affairs of life? Will it take away all the fun and pleasure from your life?

Inner peace is often associated with being impractical, visionary and naive, and unable to take care of oneself. It is also associated with yogis, fakirs and people who meditate all day long, unconcerned about money, relationships, work or ambitions. These are erroneous concepts. On the contrary, you gain inner strength and power, common sense, and a better ability to judge and think. It is quite possible to enjoy true inner peace, and at the same time lead an ordinary life, with family and job, like most people.

Are you afraid to experience inner peace? Are you scared it might make your life boring and uninteresting? Do you think it will prevent you from enjoying life? Are you afraid of being able to quiet the constant, and sometimes tiring, chatter of the mind? Do you think you have to keep up an inner state of tension, restlessness and anxiety to feel alive?

The desire for money, possessions and good relationships are often motivated by the subconscious desire for security. Fun, entertainment and journeys to foreign countries are expected to bring happiness, and temporary forgetfulness of troubles or worries. All of these are expected to bring some sort of relief and freedom, and this is exactly what inner peace brings.

Everyone, albeit unconsciously, seeks ways to alleviate or overcome worries, anxieties and fears. Everyone desires happiness and a feeling of security. All this results from inner peace.

You have a lot to gain and nothing to lose, when you are able to calm down the feverish activity of the mind, and enjoy a growing sense of inner peace and serenity. This state of mind can affect your external life, and also the people you meet.

Here are just a few of the many benefits you might gain:

# Inner peace awakens inner strength and confidence.

# It enhances your common sense.

# It makes you more tactful, tolerant and patient.

# It gives you the ability to handle more efficiently the affairs of your life.

# It helps you overcome anxiety, worries and stress.

# You stop being subject to moods and changeful states of mind.

# You stop being affected by what people think or say about you.

# You remain balanced and poised in difficult and trying situations.

# You learn to look at the bright side of life.

You dont have to be a yogi or a monk to enjoy inner peace. You can live a busy and active life, while your mind is peaceful. You can work and interact with people, while your mind is calm and happy.

For more practical information and tips, read Peace of Mind Tips and Advice.

Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation. He is the author of several books, among which are "Peace of mind in Daily Life", "Will Power and Self Discipline", "Visualize and Achieve" and "Affirmations - Words of Power".

Visit his website and find articles and books filled with inspiration, motivation and practical advice and guidance. Website: Books:

Finding Something You Don't Like About Yourself - Creating Habits

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

Here's a list of things people don't like about themselves. If you're one of those people that has a hard time finding something wrong with yourself, you could always ask one of your friends for some suggestions. I'm sure they would like that.

1. The need to lose weight. This of course is one of the worst problems with Americans. Most people need to lose weight and let's not forget there are some people that need to gain weight.

2. The need to stop gambling. As more Indian reservations are allowed to build gambling casinos and of course as the Internet gambling gets larger, I've noticed some people with gambling problems.

3. The need to stop drinking alcohol. The abuse of alcohol has been going on for many years. These people have an excuse for why they drink and most of the time it doesn't make sense.

4. The need to stop smoking. This could be one of the most difficult things I've ever seen my friends and family deal with.

5. The need to stop excessive behaviors. For example, gossiping, cruelty, bullying, lying, cheating, stealing, partying etc. You get the idea.

6. Don't forget the dreaded shopaholic. Most shopaholic's seem to have large credit card debt and can't seem to stop this vicious circle of buying and owing money to their creditors.

7. Working long hours or the workaholic. Sometimes this is a necessity but I would suggest that you change your lifestyle if possible. Reevaluate your reasons for working so hard.

8. Religious fundamentalists. People that spend too much time at their place of worship and soon find themselves feeling guilty if they're not doing something spiritual.

9. The need to be on time. This would include people that have problems giving themselves enough time to get ready for work or school.

10. The need to stop doing drugs. I thought by now, approaching my 50s, that drugs would no longer be a problem in the United States, but it is. It's one of the most damaging things people can do to their lives.

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Meditating On Religious Scriptur