How do we come to believe in a religion, one that most of us never even chose? How many people reading this article right now believe in the same religion of their parents and how many of your parents believe in the same religion of their ancestors?
Do you think it has anything to do with repetition? If your parents made it through life, you can do the same and if they went to church every Sunday, by god that's what you're going to do. If these people save their money up for retirement and worked at a 40 hour a week jobs, with all the other hardships that life seems to pass on us, you can do exactly the same thing.
I'm not too familiar with other religions but seem to know a lot about Christianity. As a young Christian I was baptized and went to church every Sunday. The most important part to me about going to church, was the snack I would receive during Sunday school. I really can't tell you what I remember or if I learned very much while attending my church classes.
I do however remember my parents creating a belief in my mind of a God and that God was in charge of everything. If I was bad, God wouldn't like that at all, but if I was good god would like me and maybe if I was even good enough, one day I would get to go to heaven and heaven is a wonderful place to be.
Is this how you came about your religion? You just seemed to follow the path of your parents, family or friends with very little thought, this is just the way it is and you're fine with that. Or are you one of those believers that is almost cult like and could never be convinced that your religion is wrong. You know without a doubt that you need to spread the message of your religion to everyone on earth.
Are you one of the rare individuals who have studied about their childhood religion and have now chosen another path. Has someone convinced you that their religion is better than your old one and now you have switched and can't believe how happy you are.
Thinking about how I never chose my religion, forced me to study other religions, to see which one was right. I am even more confused than when I first started but no longer believe in my childhood religion. I've often wondered what our world would be like without organized religion or somebody trying to control us like the government. Both of these organizations seem to do a pretty good job making us believe they're looking out for our best interests.
Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. If you want to find out more about life changing spiritual books, you won't be disappointed, this website is filled with the best authors and books on personal development and spiritual beliefs.
Greg is currently working on a religious beliefs library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.
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