Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Crystal of Atlantis Was Made Up of Seven Faceted Rings

The whole universe formed into a crystalline lattice at the time of the big bang. It is in the forming of the lattice that we find the necessary processes to give birth to new creations. Without the ice structure to reflect off of, the initial light would have scattered out into the far reaches of the universe. The forming of the superstructure allowed containment of the light and reflection of the light, without which there could have been no vibrations and therefore no life forms.

Each universe formed a lattice of twelve "corners," if you will, because of the refraction from the superstructure, and each solar system formed in its own corner of the lattice. There is a distinct order to these solar systems. The lattice is responsible for the vibrations.

The grid map that we have over our planet is a small part of this crystalline lattice of the universe. The rays of the suns between the universes and the superstructure strike the crystalline lattice containing each universe and cause several reactions to take place. To begin with, it separates the universe into a network of vibratory fields which manifest in different dimensions. These dimensions then operate and grow and evolve within their own vibratory field.

Picture it as a crystal or diamond that the sun shines on. Each facet of the crystal will give off or emit the colored light of its particular musical tone. There are twelve musical tones in each crystalline lattice that formed at beginning creation. These lattices are made up of ice that formed out of the superstructure of the explosion. They became frozen streams of time and space. This was the theory behind the huge crystal at Atlantis.

The Crystal of Atlantis was dark red but had a mottled look, showing dark and light spots in the inside. It was fairly large in size, about thirty feet in diameter at the bottom, narrowing in to perhaps five feet at the crown. It was based on mathematics; it was faceted according to the mathematical calculations of the course of the sun. It did not track by turning but tracked the sun by faceting. Because the sun was constantly moving, this involved a series of facets so fine as to be almost one solid ring around the crystal. And there was more than one ring. There were seven rings around the crystal all faceted or carved with the most intricate, precision-like cuts. The cuts caught the sun's rays and each ring caught them differently according to its pattern.

The reflected auras of the crystal were then caught and harnessed at different areas of the land. The channels between each facet allowed maximum storage of the ray in any particular area at one time. Then it would be picked up by the next "station." One ring was for air transportation, one was for communication with space ships, one was for energy to run pumping systems for irrigation purposes, one was for growing food itself and the final one, as far as being useful to everyone, was for healing the people. There was one more that was used for secret work by the priests. The topmost ring itself was used to energize the crystal so the other six rings were more potent than they would have been without the seventh or top ring. It was an accentuator ring.

The color of red came from the stone the crystal was carved from. It was polished and the surface was smooth with all the intricate faceting being on the underneath side. If the facets had been directly exposed to the sun it would immediately have caused havoc in all the land due to the chaotic and powerful rays that would have been shooting off the crystal. The only way to control it was to have the facets on the underneath side and then control them with the accentuating ring at the top of the crystal. This was all mathematically designed. The stone that was used was brought from another planet. There is no such stone available on the earth today.

This article was excerpted from The TimeLine of Eternity by Norma Hickox which can be ordered at Norma is a professional musician. She plays and teaches six instruments and composes music. She has been an organist and choir director for many different spiritual denominations and has also taught vocal music in private elementary and pre-schools. She has also done painting, writing, dance and theater.

When she began composing, the music and lyrics would flow into her head in complete form. A year later she began to receive information from a spiritual source that flowed in the same way as the music. This new material was explained to be from spiritual teachers whose intent is to bring in new, much needed spiritual teachings for the new millennium. Hence the name, New Millennium NoteBooks.

These teachings are based on the Science of Music, which is the fundamental vibrational order and creative nature of the universe. The vibrations of music affecting her body since she was four years old is what allowed this opening to take place.

Personal Development

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