Monday, June 9, 2008

Like Me Like You

This article was prompted by a question I read, it went something like this, If you met yourself in the street would you like yourself? This got me to thinking, there were a lot of things that irritated me about myself, that I felt embarrassed about and things that I got frustrated about, but not anymore. If I cannot accept myself the way I am how can I accept others the way they are.

Psychologists often say that you must learn to love yourself before you can learn to love others. I think that it should be put more like this If I am not sure if I can love myself, how can I be sure my love for others is real. You can be sure you love other people if you really do things for them only considering what is really best for them and having no self interest in the process.

If you learn to love others, you will love yourself and if you learn to love yourself you will love others it is as simple as that. The reverse is also true if you go through life hating yourself you can end up hating others and if you go through life hating others then you hate yourself.

So think about yourself as if you were a friend in need who you just met and do the following:

1.Learn to like yourself

2.Forgive yourself for what you may have done

3.Dont be embarrassed by your actions

4.Accept yourself faults and all

5.Love yourself

It does not matter whether you come to love yourself through loving others or whether you come to love others by accepting and loving yourself as you are. The result is the same, true happiness.

Also remember this if you really truly and selflessly love another person then you also love yourself, you just might not have realized it yet.

I am a husband, and father of one son who works as an engineer. I became involved in writing articles about self improvement and positive attitude as part of a process of developing a more positive attitude to life myself.

I am committed to making my thoughts freely available to anybody who takes interest in reading my articles in the hope that they can similarly make their attitude more positive.

For anybody who is interested in improving their attitude to life and would like to see more of my articles or simply wants some advice on how they can feel better about themselves please contact me at I am also interested in any feedback about whether my articles are providing a positive benefit and if there is any interest in my developing a web site as a forum for my ideas.

Franklin D

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