Who wants to be a millionaire? You could do so much with all that cash. Take care of the family, buy a mansion in Monaco, park a Lambroghini in the garage, cruise the Caribbean and have caviar with your couscous for the rest of your natural days. Or could you?
Perhaps not. Even multi-millions can dry up. Just as if they were hundreds or thousands. The secret to creating wealth lies, not in spending lavishly but in saving and investing wisely and purchasing thoughtfully.
New four-wheelers depreciate in the first 0 - 10 seconds, expensive suits fray, watches lose money over time and yachts sink. Wealthiness comes, not in extravagance but in extra vigilance of how you spend your hard earned cash. The problem is that we live in a consumer driven economy and our quest for the best has a habit of leaving us feeling spent.
Regardless of earnings, thriftiness is the key to wealthiness. Before you buy, ask yourself if you really need it? Start creating reserves, no matter how small and turn a savings habit into a savings grace. One of the terms in our modern language is, retail therapy.
Many people attempt to fill gaps in their lives by buying things or shopping to ease the pain of a less-than-ideal relationship, career, situation. However, this is only a temporary fix for that empty space. In the end, the new-car smell will fade away, the dress will have been worn one too many times. Find a more fulfilling solution.
You can create personal wealth through self-discipline. Many a lottery winner has won a ton but lost the entire stack, through sheer indulgence.
Thomas Chalmers is an executive coach based in Scotland. He works with executives, politicians, and entrepreneurs. http://www.idealifeinternational.com Michael Imani is a mind/body expert who works with clients on weight and life management. http://www.michaelimanicoaching.com
Laws of Attraction
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